This had to be DSU's best year.. but beneath the clips folks are talking about how horrible it was ...
Somebody commented that the trumpets were too loud .. somebody said it was the worst they'd heard DSU.. I honestly think folks were Hating on the Style they had adapted at that time.
Too Bad they did That to Bonds, the dude was the best thing that happened to them in a long time and they messed that up.
Wow! They sound full as h3ll to be that small size. How does DSU sound now? Who is Bonds, who is they and what did they do to him?
DSU from this year....
staff and students plotted to get rid of him because they don't like SU's style.. and basically the outcome of that was in the news. .. no need to discuss that part tho.
Bandfan06 said:
uh-oh... i musta missed that one...
The Book said:
yeah that was the real inside info that lead to the false accusations
TBoneSuave said: