
  • i would love to hear your suggestions
  • everybody has a bad annoucer. either they talk too much or they call out the wrong songs in mid show..
  • that is so true! i have to give you 100 points on that!

    Book said:
    everybody has a bad annoucer. either they talk too much or they call out the wrong songs in mid show..
    Band Announcer
    which swac school has the best and worst band announcer?
  • Some schools use their announcer to cover up the crappy sound coming out of the horns...LET THE MUSIC DO THE TALKING!!!
  • lol
  • Tuskegee, FAMU and Cookman have the best.

    The worst are the student rappers.
  • S"
  • that guy from tuskegee be so smooth ..LOL

    Chris - Pinnacle of Hummanity... said:
    Tuskegee, FAMU and Cookman have the best.

    The worst are the student rappers.
    Band Announcer
    which swac school has the best and worst band announcer?
  • Alcorn has the about LOUD and annoying
  • IMO I like the way our new announcer of those deep jazzy voices you hear on those late night oldies talk shows...he do talk a bit much tho he ain't the best but he is good enough :-)
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