First Alabama State loses 2 of their Classics....The Gulf Coast Classic vs Southern and now their Thanksgiving Homecoming game vs Tuskegee......

Jackson State loses Capital City Classic BECAUSE of the FAULT of Alcorn State University......

Now seeds have been planted at the Bayou Classic....What is their fate going to be???????

Ya'll better call the Magic City Classic.....Alabama State vs Alabama and ask them how and or loss they keep having over 60,000 in Legion Field EVERY year!!!!!

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  • Do you know what this means for MCC?....I'm kind of worried now because I know thousands of people tune into this classic game every year, whether it is in person or by t.v. Two great HBCU'S with a HUGE fan base so I know they will be fine as far as picking up another major sponsor, and the game will not even be affected.They have a great venue in a PRIME location. The thing that i'm wondering is if state farm is having some sort of financial trouble. I have so many questions right now. #confusedashell. We know that every year win or lose , one of the two institutions is going to win. The more important question is if it will be ours. Lol and the only way to know that is by tuning into the game. That's what keep that stadium at 60,000. Small correction though, we're still hosting Tuskegee, so the the TDC shall commence. #thatisall!

  • State Farm is going through problems. A Classic Football game doesn't need a title sponsor to survive. Bayou Classic thrived for decades without one and the MCC can do the same.

  • DAMN IT! I was gonna post this! lol Sarge be ON it 

  • 05 south west airlines sponsered bayou classic. Hell disney stopped the fl classic for the meac swac challenge. Bayou will be fine.
  • The Bayou Classic is going to be fine, another sponsor will step in. Just like how all of those major bowl games change sponsors all the time.(Nokia Sugar Bowl to the All-State Sugar Bowl and Fed-Ex Orange Bowl to the Discover Orange Bowl)

  • Wish the Capital City Classic could have been fine with other sponsorship!!!
  • Okay here is the thing or the not so BIG secrete why the MCC is still growing.


    1. First. If you ever been to Legion field you will notice that the 60,000 is counted paid tickets. However add another 2k plus to the count because  every band member that participate gets tickets.

    2. Like many major classics or true rivalry games. The sponcers like McDonalds, Coca Cola, Alabama Power company, State Farm, Bud Weiser, etc. came after we start getting numbers up and Needed money for promotional things.

    3. Legion Field/ Birmingham is an home grown AAMU vs. ASU neutral zone located dead in the middle state approximately 1.5 give or take from both Universities.

    4. Bham is flooded with AAMU from the cops, mayors, city councilman, band directors, citizens that graduated from AAMU.  As well as our sister school of BamaState.

    5. Locals love this classic because it means FREE FOOD, FUN, AND CELEBRITIES ALL OVER THE STATE.

    6. What makes the MCC not because it has the BIGGEST HBCU PARADE which is sponcered by McDonalds

    The MCC is a home grown classic that has been about the ppl and plain on Football/band pagentry. Also its not so commercialized.

  • ." Also its not so commercialized." I couldn't have said it better myself! Sometimes too much commercialism and glamour takes away from the family feel of the environment.

  • The Bayou Classic will be fine, another sponsor will jump on this game and hopefully help to get the attendance back where it once was.....The MCC, & BC aint going nowhere....


    ." Also its not so commercialized." I couldn't have said it better myself! Sometimes too much commercialism and glamour takes away from the family feel of the environment.

    Amen, to that...that is what has happened to the State Fair Classic, between us and PV....too much commercialism going on DURING the game, its to the point where its not even fun anymore...



    BREAKING NEWS!!!! State Farms ENDS sponsorship of the Bayou Classic !!!!!! F…
  • not  to go off topic, but i think if the game was held ealier in the yr more ppl will go to the game...more people = more sponsors..with the game being held in late november its usually cold and wet in MS ccc wknd...i dnt believe i ever been to a ccc held on a sunny day
    Kevin Maurice Robinson said:

    Wish the Capital City Classic could have been fine with other sponsorship!!!
    BREAKING NEWS!!!! State Farms ENDS sponsorship of the Bayou Classic !!!!!! F…
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