how come they only march four, count it, four, cymbal players? on those tiny baby cymbals. how come they went from 44 tubas at the beginning, to 35 at the classic? why did they do the same drill?i am perplexed. thank you in advance.

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  • people quit or got kicked out. that happens you know.
  • You ask alot of questions, so I'll answer the first one only. FAMU marches 18 inch Ziljdians. Now that that's cleared up, I invite you to compare the 100's cymbal section against any of your favorite band's section, both on and off the field. Note that I said SECTION, and not individuals who upload videos of themselves freestyling (not that there's anything wrong with that).

    People are often so worried about who's spinning dubs, 22's, 24's, and black blades that they ignore the fact that the section SOUNDS sloppy and as a section they only look good from across the field. As for the amount of cymbal players... I'll share a lil secret:

    It's the hardest instrument to play. Can you believe that? lol
  • I agree wit everything u just said except da hardest instrument... people are so worried how they individually look but not worried dat u are a representation of the band program and dat little stuff u do on da side and upload looks bad...first noone cares wat u can do wit a watever inch cymbal u wanna spin and post on da internet....
    eventhough i dont march wit famu instead aamu i have always loved watching and enjoying famu not just on clip but in person...
  • The cymbals at Famu get plenty of people willing to play cymbals at pre-drill. But by the 3rd or 4th (sometimes even 1st) day they quit because the cymbals work harder than the other percussion and most people aint built for it so they boil down to 4-6 yearly.
    Tubas usually get kicked out or just stop showing so the numbers reduce drastically.
  • ^^^Heck yeah Mane them cymbals get a true Nazi treatment. It could be like 20 of em that show up. I assure u by dinner my nigga Pal and my CB's Jared and AJ gon mutt the living isht outta whomever is brave enough to stay on the Island.

    And as far as the tubas, me being FAMU tuba player, I can tell u that normally we dont ever over 24 tubas; but in 2008, doc went on a recruiting frenzy for low brass, having come off a good recovery year ( and a good raping dished out to SU, courtesy of the 100 and ;) ) and amassed like 25 crabs in 2008.

    due to a variety of life and school reasons (or personal choice), some katz grow light in the balls and give up searching for Moby (lol), and thus the numbers drop. Also, we have a VERY strict standard in our section and we dont too much care for slaw ass niggas in the FAMU tuba section. A consequence of having too many niggas in one section is getting everyone to play together. 50 niggas playin tuba at a HBCU will sound like pure trash if not coached right all season; I commend my patna Ralph Jean Paul for pullin that off. Hubba Oh So Sweet.

    So long story short, shit happen. I dont like FAMU over 350 anyway. I liked us in 2005 when we were 192 with 15 tubas that sounded like 30.

    Why did they do the same drill? Who cares. Ur not a FAMU student. So it really dont matter. lol
  • J. Da Great said:
    ^^^ doc went on a recruiting frenzy for low brass, having come off a good recovery year ( and a good raping dished out to SU, courtesy of the 100 and ;).
    LOL...we all know that didn't happen at Legion. But, I digress....

    On the first question...Im not sure if it was this past season, or the year before....I could've sworn I saw about 8 pairs of cymbals out there. If not on the field...they, atleast, had them in the stands. And, I don't think it was HC.

    As far as playing...Ive been grown out of expecting FAMn to upgrade. They have their own style...and, it works for them. I mean...I'd almost rather have FAMn's section over some of these copy cat Z sections.

    ROV......It's kinna hard to believe that that's the hardest to play. I don't know if you meant in the percussion section...or, the whole band. But, I can kinna see where you'd say that. They don't do the normal twirling...but, their routines and cohesiveness is easily Top 5.
    can someone from famu (alumni, current student/band member, nonstudent band member, band director)…
    how come they only march four, count it, four, cymbal players? on those tiny baby cymbals. how come they went from 44 tubas at the beginning, to 35 a…
  • FAMU's style, yes, it does work for them, and I commend them for that. But coming from experience, I know that it is tough to march cymbals for long periods of time. But the fact that bands like BCU and SU can have around 8 players out on the field from entrance to finish hints that maybe some bands need to pick up the slack....Lastly, I would like to apologize for how ignorant the original post sounds. Thank you.
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