How to start an All Star band...need sum help.

So currently, I live n Atl n go to skool in Virginia. Both of these areas r blessed with an abundance of talented musicians. I am VERY interested in started and helping an all star band develop in each of these areas. From the people who participate or lead these type of bands, please share insight about how to get this going: include info on where money comes from, uniforms, facility, and any other insight that will help see this thing a reality. If u r in any of the forementioned areas, please comment and show ur interest here. I will use this thread as a catalyst to show heads of music the interest in such. Please keep things positive! I think this would b great experience for the students, music majors, and the area.

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  • Get together with the BDs and get their blessings first....


    they can really dictate if you will get any of their players or not.

  • Here's a few options...


    A.) Go with TBoneSuave... "Get together with the BDs and get their blessings first...." Make certain they agree with you so everyone is on the same page or youll end up with something like that Jackson, MS band a few years back. Pretty much what you see Houston, Austin, BRASB (before ___ got into the marching band business) doing. Local BDs seem to like the people in charge, so everything is cool. Local companies are usually willing to sponser t-shirts, charter a bus, have a BBQ, BOTB... anything to raise money.


    B.) Become a politician, hoodwink the locals, get the legislature to give you money. Appoint yourself CEO and treat all your political / legal buddies to a paid spot on the "board"... Then sit back and reap the benefits. When an election season is near put everything in "active" mode.

    • You be thrown slangs.

      Chris - Pinnacle of Hummanity... said:

      Here's a few options...


      A.) Go with TBoneSuave... "Get together with the BDs and get their blessings first...." Make certain they agree with you so everyone is on the same page or youll end up with something like that Jackson, MS band a few years back. Pretty much what you see Houston, Austin, BRASB (before ___ got into the marching band business) doing. Local BDs seem to like the people in charge, so everything is cool. Local companies are usually willing to sponser t-shirts, charter a bus, have a BBQ, BOTB... anything to raise money.


      B.) Become a politician, hoodwink the locals, get the legislature to give you money. Appoint yourself CEO and treat all your political / legal buddies to a paid spot on the "board"... Then sit back and reap the benefits. When an election season is near put everything in "active" mode.

  • lls@plan b. Ill keep that n mind...but I dont think ill hav the time fo that this summer. Haha...

    Chris - Pinnacle of Hummanity... said:

    Here's a few options...


    A.) Go with TBoneSuave... "Get together with the BDs and get their blessings first...." Make certain they agree with you so everyone is on the same page or youll end up with something like that Jackson, MS band a few years back. Pretty much what you see Houston, Austin, BRASB (before ___ got into the marching band business) doing. Local BDs seem to like the people in charge, so everything is cool. Local companies are usually willing to sponser t-shirts, charter a bus, have a BBQ, BOTB... anything to raise money.


    B.) Become a politician, hoodwink the locals, get the legislature to give you money. Appoint yourself CEO and treat all your political / legal buddies to a paid spot on the "board"... Then sit back and reap the benefits. When an election season is near put everything in "active" mode.

    How to start an All Star band...need sum help.
    So currently, I live n Atl n go to skool in Virginia. Both of these areas r blessed with an abundance of talented musicians. I am VERY interested in…
  • Our HS All-Star band was sponsored by the School system in N.O.  there hasn't been a HS all-star band since Katrina due to the fact that all the schools aren't under one system anymore
  • I think GHASB is sponsored by HISD too...
  • HISD??
  • its Not

    TBoneSuave said:
    I think GHASB is sponsored by HISD too...
  • LMFAO @ Plan B. Chris, you dont like Cleo Fields for nothing, eeh? Lol

    Chris - Pinnacle of Hummanity... said:

    Here's a few options...


    A.) Go with TBoneSuave... "Get together with the BDs and get their blessings first...." Make certain they agree with you so everyone is on the same page or youll end up with something like that Jackson, MS band a few years back. Pretty much what you see Houston, Austin, BRASB (before ___ got into the marching band business) doing. Local BDs seem to like the people in charge, so everything is cool. Local companies are usually willing to sponser t-shirts, charter a bus, have a BBQ, BOTB... anything to raise money.


    B.) Become a politician, hoodwink the locals, get the legislature to give you money. Appoint yourself CEO and treat all your political / legal buddies to a paid spot on the "board"... Then sit back and reap the benefits. When an election season is near put everything in "active" mode.

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