With that said, There are band members who look forward to attending Honda BOTB. Some even feel that it makes their band Superior when they're invited (SMH)
Yet there have been bands that have attended 7 consecutive. Those bands may be Great in their own way, but we all know that Most of the spectators are only there to see 1 or 2 bands
No doubt the event is a good thing. But we all know that it's not a real "Battle". that's part of the reason it's so boring. other wise it's all because of the bands they decide to invite.
IMO, If the Honda poll really mattered from a popularity standpoint. it's likely that Best Bands would always be in attendance. and maybe if the honda was Judged at that point Braging rights would really matter, Making The Honda BOTB a worthy of participation..
. ( like the BET Big Southern Classic/ drumline ..lol) .
I know this has been discussed in the past on Many of the band forums, but being that "Voting time" has come around. I just had to say something
RJ1919 said:
the bands get nothing but a thanks for coming. . . .
i never cared for the event myself. . .
Buy a ticket an make a road trip like everybody else.
why they wont change the venue? money maybe. . .
parker shy said:
The event always features most of the same bands every year...and every year, these same folks who vote (and don't vote) ALWAYS find a reason to complain. Don't expect too much different this year...
I mean...can they at least change the venue?