
  • kinda sounds like kid stuff to me...

    like "oh yeah? well, my dad can beat up your dad!"
  • Im going to be really good and not call any names on this one, imma go sit in the corner.
  • "I can't wait till the 5th to hit 'em with these research grants!!!"
  • ROFLMAO!!!

    ClevePVU said:
    "I can't wait till the 5th to hit 'em with these research grants!!!"
    Is Mentioning your Schools Academic Achievements a new way of admiting defeat?
    every time theres a band argument somebody mentions that their school is academically better? whats the point if it has nothing to do with what happe…
  • It's called "diversion". It's a strategic tactic of desperation that is used when the said party has absolutely nothing to fall back on that pertains to the subject at hand.

    So yeah, mentioning Academic Achievements in a discussion pertaining to a band battle, though not really new, is a way of admitting defeat.
  • LMAO

    Couldn't have said it any better!

    PVSax99 said:
    It's called "diversion". It's a strategic tactic of desperation that is used when the said party has absolutely nothing to fall back on that pertains to the subject at hand.

    So yeah, mentioning Academic Achievements in a discussion pertaining to a band battle, though not really new, is a way of admitting defeat.
    Is Mentioning your Schools Academic Achievements a new way of admiting defeat?
    every time theres a band argument somebody mentions that their school is academically better? whats the point if it has nothing to do with what happe…
  • Damien said:
    i just think its a way of calling someone STUPID... therefore negating anything that person has to say...

    smh...wrong. Here, on Earth, we call that a diversion.
    Is Mentioning your Schools Academic Achievements a new way of admiting defeat?
    every time theres a band argument somebody mentions that their school is academically better? whats the point if it has nothing to do with what happe…
  • And the guilty speaks......
  • Damien said:
    after all, america is the only place where 2 idiots opinion weigh more than a genius

    That sounds like a line out of the JSt alma mater.
    Is Mentioning your Schools Academic Achievements a new way of admiting defeat?
    every time theres a band argument somebody mentions that their school is academically better? whats the point if it has nothing to do with what happe…
  • agreed

    it turns into a brains vs brawn?
    I kicked yo ass!! oh yeah but i beat you in the spelling bee. . . . .lol
    (doesnt change the fact that you got ya ass beat) lol
    PVSax99 said:
    It's called "diversion". It's a strategic tactic of desperation that is used when the said party has absolutely nothing to fall back on that pertains to the subject at hand.

    So yeah, mentioning Academic Achievements in a discussion pertaining to a band battle, though not really new, is a way of admitting defeat.
    Is Mentioning your Schools Academic Achievements a new way of admiting defeat?
    every time theres a band argument somebody mentions that their school is academically better? whats the point if it has nothing to do with what happe…
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