
  • Well in my trombones section, I always tell them to master all scales first & second octaves, we work on endurance as a section, we take a sheet of paper, mouthpiece, a brick wall and tell them to blow into the mouthpiece to keep the paper from fallin off the wall. Or you could tell them to practice the scales by holding each note out for 16 or more counts. Remind them tp breathe from there diaphraym. Practice by writing on the board forte, fortissimo, mezzo forte, mezzo piana, piano, pianissimo, take your ruler or hand have them play a song it allows them to work on control.

    GWHS Section of Perfection, Trombones, watch this youtube clip..
  • how bout fundamentals and basics?

  • Long tones emphasizing a smooth airflow is what I teach my private students. It has also served me well on the trombone. I had ALOT of power without having to really push as hard as others around me did and when I
    Hit all chromatic notes from petal tones to your highest possible pitch for four to eight counts. Do it at pianissimo then piano then mezzoforte then forte then fortissimo the fortississimo. Go up to the highest note. Then start at the highest note and go down. Then incorporate crescendos and decrescendos into this for each and every note.
    For range and tonality- LIP SLURS. Every note you can possibly hit in every position or valve position (depending on your instrument). Do them SLOWLY then speed them up. Go at intervals- 1 4 6 8 and so forth. Then do a warm down. DO NOT PLAY AFTER YOU DO A WARM DOWN. You'll notice a change in 1-2weeks in your tone, wind capacity and "power". Pass it on. The absolute best technique I've ever known to help trombones as a section together though is to do section-wide lip slurs and what I call "accent practices". This practices hitting notes with "ta" "do" "dit" and "tee". 8th notes, 16th notes, 32nd notes, whole notes and half notes and quarter notes. Alot of times just playing together and having the same accented syllables for notes and phrases is what makes a trombone seciton "louder" and "stand out" more within the ensemble.
  • can this go for baritones 2?

    Charles said:
    Long tones emphasizing a smooth airflow is what I teach my private students. It has also served me well on the trombone. I had ALOT of power without having to really push as hard as others around me did and when I
    Hit all chromatic notes from petal tones to your highest possible pitch for four to eight counts. Do it at pianissimo then piano then mezzoforte then forte then fortissimo the fortississimo. Go up to the highest note. Then start at the highest note and go down. Then incorporate crescendos and decrescendos into this for each and every note.
    For range and tonality- LIP SLURS. Every note you can possibly hit in every position or valve position (depending on your instrument). Do them SLOWLY then speed them up. Go at intervals- 1 4 6 8 and so forth. Then do a warm down. DO NOT PLAY AFTER YOU DO A WARM DOWN. You'll notice a change in 1-2weeks in your tone, wind capacity and "power". Pass it on. The absolute best technique I've ever known to help trombones as a section together though is to do section-wide lip slurs and what I call "accent practices". This practices hitting notes with "ta" "do" "dit" and "tee". 8th notes, 16th notes, 32nd notes, whole notes and half notes and quarter notes. Alot of times just playing together and having the same accented syllables for notes and phrases is what makes a trombone seciton "louder" and "stand out" more within the ensemble.
    Range and power
    What are the bast was to work on range and poer for a beginner?
  • Can this go for baritones too?

    KJ Taylor said:
    can this go for baritones 2?

    Charles said:
    Long tones emphasizing a smooth airflow is what I teach my private students. It has also served me well on the trombone. I had ALOT of power without having to really push as hard as others around me did and when I
    Hit all chromatic notes from petal tones to your highest possible pitch for four to eight counts. Do it at pianissimo then piano then mezzoforte then forte then fortissimo the fortississimo. Go up to the highest note. Then start at the highest note and go down. Then incorporate crescendos and decrescendos into this for each and every note.
    For range and tonality- LIP SLURS. Every note you can possibly hit in every position or valve position (depending on your instrument). Do them SLOWLY then speed them up. Go at intervals- 1 4 6 8 and so forth. Then do a warm down. DO NOT PLAY AFTER YOU DO A WARM DOWN. You'll notice a change in 1-2weeks in your tone, wind capacity and "power". Pass it on. The absolute best technique I've ever known to help trombones as a section together though is to do section-wide lip slurs and what I call "accent practices". This practices hitting notes with "ta" "do" "dit" and "tee". 8th notes, 16th notes, 32nd notes, whole notes and half notes and quarter notes. Alot of times just playing together and having the same accented syllables for notes and phrases is what makes a trombone seciton "louder" and "stand out" more within the ensemble.
    Range and power
    What are the bast was to work on range and poer for a beginner?
  • Charles said:
    Long tones emphasizing a smooth airflow is what I teach my private students. It has also served me well on the trombone. I had ALOT of power without having to really push as hard as others around me did and when I
    Hit all chromatic notes from petal tones to your highest possible pitch for four to eight counts. Do it at pianissimo then piano then mezzoforte then forte then fortissimo the fortississimo. Go up to the highest note. Then start at the highest note and go down. Then incorporate crescendos and decrescendos into this for each and every note.
    For range and tonality- LIP SLURS. Every note you can possibly hit in every position or valve position (depending on your instrument). Do them SLOWLY then speed them up. Go at intervals- 1 4 6 8 and so forth. Then do a warm down. DO NOT PLAY AFTER YOU DO A WARM DOWN. You'll notice a change in 1-2weeks in your tone, wind capacity and "power". Pass it on. The absolute best technique I've ever known to help trombones as a section together though is to do section-wide lip slurs and what I call "accent practices". This practices hitting notes with "ta" "do" "dit" and "tee". 8th notes, 16th notes, 32nd notes, whole notes and half notes and quarter notes. Alot of times just playing together and having the same accented syllables for notes and phrases is what makes a trombone seciton "louder" and "stand out" more within the ensemble.

    Good add two octave scales to that, slurring and tonguing, and hold the top note and bottom note on each scale....remember, you are working on developing muscles, and achieving muscle memory. dont just do the exercises, work on proper technique, and consistency in your approach/execution. you might not be able to play them perfect, but never let yourself settle for doing them wrong or using proper technique.

    Any exercise that works on air control is needed......we tend to minimize the necessity of air.......
    Range and power
    What are the bast was to work on range and poer for a beginner?
  • First off. If you are a BEGINNER, you shouldn't be focused on power or range. You should be focused on proper breathing, and getting a proper tone to come out of your horn.

    Sometimes, I think this generation of musicians is all backwards...trying to put the carriage before the horse. SMH @ the current state of some of our bands and bandsmen.
  • PVSax99 said:
    First off. If you are a BEGINNER, you shouldn't be focused on power or range. You should be focused on proper breathing, and getting a proper tone to come out of your horn.

    Sometimes, I think this generation of musicians is all backwards...trying to put the carriage before the horse. SMH @ the current state of some of our bands and bandsmen.

    I missed the part about bn a beginner.............
    Range and power
    What are the bast was to work on range and poer for a beginner?
  • keepin ur jawz puffed in not out helpz alot..
  • nobody seems to have read this...

    Binaca "B-Phunk" Mason said:
    how bout fundamentals and basics?

    Range and power
    What are the bast was to work on range and poer for a beginner?
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