I always thought that drum majors were higher ranking officials in the band. So the fact that a drum major was hazed to death is shocking!!!! Hazing needs to end! No questions asked. No one can truly justify what happened!
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The Drum Majors are merely a section within the band. and just like any other section. it's not as shocking as it is unnecessary
I never ever heard of a damn drum major getting hazed. Don't know how they do it at other schools but at Grambling. HELL NO.
yea. I dont think SU drummajor underwent anything for dropping is mase during the Jstate game
same here. but when you look at the fact that they are a 10 man group of members who all seem to have been appointed their spots it changes the perspective.of why a sophomore would be hazed
RJ1919 said:
they only marched 6 this year...
Book said:
When I marched in the Hundred the DM from the newest to the Head was a respected position. Top of the food chain and you didn't mess with them. I don't know what has changed over the years. If the Hundred ever comes back into existence after this I hope they go back to respect the DMs.
Merely? That's in bands YOU'VE been affiliated w/ book. I marched at st. aug frm 83-87, and the drum majors were NEVER a mere section. The were hand picked by Mr. Hampton, and were an extension of the staff. Better yet, I'll give you the hierarchy: Mr Hamp, assts, DRUM MAJORS, captains (if chosen/needed), sl's, and seniors. You didn't mess w/ dm's b/c disrepecting dm's was disrepecting the bd, and nobody wanted to experience his darkside.
Book said: