In this installment of the award-winning series, members will be asked to name the one song that their band played during the decade that made a lasting impression and set the tone for other bands to follow. If you thought narrowing down the best band and sections was hard, I promise trying to pick the best song out of many for an entire decade will be even harder. Clips are welcome.
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Tclef here ya go...i still remember when it was passed out 01 my crab year in band..snoop taught it to the band...outside in front of douglas a straight monster..mjg caught on and it was a wrap...memories
also when yall played it for the upperclassmen during crab 04,,,mr graham said fierce...we said wdf..they dont know that...boy was we stunned sitting up there..i said to b.mack while yall was playingit...thise season bout to be some trouble for some folks. regardless..we still looked at yall like yall wasn't isht even if it was
lol i made that clip...the 02 clip..and the one from 01 in memphis during the bodacious botb in memphis when hud directed are my favorite going to put em up when i get back to the bluff because i got all my old uapb 01,02,03,04,05 clips back
TClef2 said:
the best rendition recorded was the one from 02 that Bmack got on his ragedy computer...........but thanks.....ill get u a TCBI when i get back lol
Anyway, thats the first song from this decade that comes to MY mind that gets love and respect no matter when or where its played.....
No doubt there are others, but my nomination is Fierce.
Song of the Decade
In this installment of the award-winning series, members will be asked to name the one song that their band played during the decade that made a last…
Southern University- I thought about a lot of songs, but I think this song was just unbeatable in 2007. There was just no answer to this song. The song was so great, another supposedly good band thought on their own to play the song too with no influence at all coming from SU playing this song (I guess).
Dont know how to add the clip i want..........
TClef2 said:
TClef2 said:
Love Don't Live Here
also when yall played it for the upperclassmen during crab 04,,,mr graham said fierce...we said wdf..they dont know that...boy was we stunned sitting up there..i said to b.mack while yall was playingit...thise season bout to be some trouble for some folks. regardless..we still looked at yall like yall wasn't isht even if it was
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RJ1919 said:
Anyway, thats the first song from this decade that comes to MY mind that gets love and respect no matter when or where its played.....
No doubt there are others, but my nomination is Fierce.
TClef2 said:
The one and only Two Hearts
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