
  • I’m ready to see this field showed. This season fields were on point, so they have to end with a bang! 

  • I will say I think the vet bri will be leading she kind of cleaned up her ig a little, and so did some girls from 18 and 17, unless their just part of the March with the rest of the alumni stingettes....I just want it to be a good show and for people to forget the drama. 

  • I peeped bri’s clean up too. You never know what will happen over in stingette land tho child. 

    Molly said:

    I will say I think the vet bri will be leading she kind of cleaned up her ig a little, and so did some girls from 18 and 17, unless their just part of the March with the rest of the alumni stingettes....I just want it to be a good show and for people to forget the drama. 

    Stingettes 19-20 TDC
    Please do not discuss personal and/or alleged information on team members and staff. How was practice last night?
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