Well it's the end of the year and sr.'s are leaveing and its crossover for us the jr.'s. Meaning my section my section leader/cousin is "passing down the mouth piece" and I'm the up comming section leader and I could use some tips on how to get my section right any help would be nice...
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Do you have a Co-Section Leader or Asst Section Leader to help you?
MarchingbandGURU said:
Mentally, have them run their scales, and practice long tones. It may seem like a dragging process but it will help out the section as well as the band itsself. and actually all sections of the band should do this. For drummers, its their rudiments.
Good luck to your leadership success and to your program in this upcoming season!!
SG862 said:
Okay, I understand the point of running, and other cardiovascular workouts that get your heart pumping and you breathing. But I never got the point of the six inches and sit-ups deal. How do they help your technique? I thought sound and power came from proper embrochure placement and proper breathing and posture, and things like that.
So how do sit-ups and six inches help a musician sound better? Help the lowly saxophone player out...
1. Make sure YOU are on YOUR stuff...and continue to improve on YOUR skill (The idea here is that at the end of the day, you want your entire section to be as good as you are). If you are no good at your skill, it would be like the blind leading the blind. You don't want that.
2. Assert your authority as the section leader...but don't let the position get to your head. If you do the latter, your section will NOT respect you, and yall will get nothing accomplished.
Both points are equally important and will determine your success as a section leader. Good luck...
PVSax99 said:
So pretty much what I'm saying, if you know what your doing as a leader, do not let others tell you that you can't do something, like PVsax99 said, better yourself before you better your section. and don''t let your assistent turn the whole section against you....because i ended up losing 3/4 of my section at the end of the year because I supposably didn't know what I was doing when i take direct orders from my BD who is a saxophone player!! PVsax99, you might know him. MAtter of fact, both of my BD's they are graduates of PV.
Take good tips and stay on top of the section, don't haze because that is the mentallity of my assistent...wishing he would go to mellophone like he said he would lol.
and one more thing, DO NOT throw fanfares or sectional pieces at your section when they do not know the main music. That comes later on. Once again, good luck and hope you having a better chance of making yourself a good leader unlike my case.
RJ1919 said:
SG862 said:
RJ1919 said: