uapb band??...

when is the next time yall will have a battle of the bands in the gym because last year i missed it. Please let me know in advance or any band performance yall having

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  • emails are welcome also
  • homecoming i think....
  • thanks but wat about the botb?

  • imma get back to you on it when i find out more details
  • ok

    Deschaun said:
    imma get back to you on it when i find out more details
  • homecoming! is the battle royal,  the next floorshow botb in PB is this wkend at Pine Bluf Convention Center!!!
  • thanks
  • Who is in it? I guess that answers why PB High and Jack Robey aren't in the Bodacious BOTB this weekend.

    PsiNupe said:
    homecoming! is the battle royal,  the next floorshow botb in PB is this wkend at Pine Bluf Convention Center!!!
    uapb band??...
    when is the next time yall will have a battle of the bands in the gym because last year i missed it. Please let me know in advance or any band perfor…
  • WHO'S IN IT. Though shall see and I dont think they will be as small as the txsu game. Which they proved doesn't matter...I've heard both bandsand I do believe one is better than the other. Both do sound great but I think someone will show up and show out...and the crowd will show it! This game and botb is like a dream come true for me. All my lil homies who have yet to see anything outside of pb will see something different!!!
  • I see someone's excited....
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