grambling- we cant hear the drill at all its just the loud announcer at we see is movements. JSU- this new one try so hard but not the same as jimmy. Edward waters- that lady be so damn loud!!! To me all the band need is a intro an thats it, in 03 GSU MICS WENT OUT AT THE PV GAME AN WE HEARD GSU NOT A SCREAMIN FEMALE.... An they housed out. i HATE BOTH BAYOU CLASSIC DJS OMG STFU,
BCU HANDS DOWN BEST OF THEM ALL LOL. "morris brown we heard you showed out aganist famu just a reminder THIS IS NOT FAMU!!!! " in louisiana the kids play with dancing dolls in florida we play with grown folks 14k gold dancers lol.
BCU HANDS DOWN BEST OF THEM ALL LOL. "morris brown we heard you showed out aganist famu just a reminder THIS IS NOT FAMU!!!! " in louisiana the kids play with dancing dolls in florida we play with grown folks 14k gold dancers lol.
Your Favorite/Least Favorite Showband Announcers
Who is your favorite announcer that always livens a halftime show and who is your least favorite that drives your nerves during a performance?
Detria "Devastating" Ward, announcer for the Ocean of Soul 1981-1987. From the opening "Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen" to the ending "a bid you all, a pleasant adieu"; just a class act all around. My mom, the announcer of Willowridge 1988-2009 is a close 2nd. She is 2nd only because she used Ms. Ward's intro by request of the Legend.
SU & BCU got some HELLUVA announcers. JSU new dude need to get his timing right and calm his voice down, YOU'RE ON A DAMN MICROPHONE!!! Yeean gotta scream into the mic. TnSU (Ernie Allen) is good for the show but the AOB needs a young hype man for the dance routine. If FAMU keeps the same announcer when they come back, he would be straight. These are the only ones who catches my attention. IMO I truly DESPISE when the announcer talks over the band. Just do the intro and outro to songs and let the bands do their thang. #ThatIsAll
Alcorn announcer is the absolute worse!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and our announcer talk to damn much...i hate announcer that give the whole damn history of the band from existance to the present every game. We aint tryin to hear all that during 1/2time
Alcorn announcer is the absolute worse!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and our announcer talk to damn much...i hate announcer that give the whole damn history of the band from existance to the present every game. We aint tryin to hear all that during 1/2time
Your Favorite/Least Favorite Showband Announcers
Who is your favorite announcer that always livens a halftime show and who is your least favorite that drives your nerves during a performance?
....i just like to hear the bands (so no disrespect to any of the announcers) i can say i like none n all drive my nerves ...
theres always that one moment when they try n sing the song n throw the song completely off
That person from Alcorn.....*shudders*
tony said:
Detria "Devastating" Ward, announcer for the Ocean of Soul 1981-1987. From the opening "Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen" to the ending "a bid you all, a pleasant adieu"; just a class act all around. My mom, the announcer of Willowridge 1988-2009 is a close 2nd. She is 2nd only because she used Ms. Ward's intro by request of the Legend.
SU & BCU got some HELLUVA announcers. JSU new dude need to get his timing right and calm his voice down, YOU'RE ON A DAMN MICROPHONE!!! Yeean gotta scream into the mic. TnSU (Ernie Allen) is good for the show but the AOB needs a young hype man for the dance routine. If FAMU keeps the same announcer when they come back, he would be straight. These are the only ones who catches my attention. IMO I truly DESPISE when the announcer talks over the band. Just do the intro and outro to songs and let the bands do their thang. #ThatIsAll
the guy that used to be with us at the Bayou Classic BOTB.....yeah, no i hated his voice
Oh and our announcer talk to damn much...i hate announcer that give the whole damn history of the band from existance to the present every game. We aint tryin to hear all that during 1/2time
I knew I couldn't be the only one.
ChrisGSU said: