no order. Aamu vs uapb. Gsu vs uapb. Nsu vs bcu. Pv vs txsu. Round one of gsu vs pv. Jsu vs pv. Su vs jsu.ncat vs bcu. Fvsu vs all the bands they faced. Overall 2011 many bands have gotten better. No terrible mishaps. Next up bayou botb.
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hahaha wooo this guy right here is a comedian, is a win in your book just loudness or does musical quality have say so in your decision making process. Dont know y neither jackson or tenn st won out their battle, gram vs pv was a 1 n done for pv so there really wasnt a battle just grambling giving the crowd a show (not dissin pv understood they had to leave to go eat), su vs tenn st......well u must just be a hardcore jag fan for that one
Musician said:
Honestly there wasn't any good 5ths this season but I would have to say the best ones where:
Bethune Cookman vs South Carolina State ( SCSU gets the W )
Southern vs Tennessee State ( SU gets the W )
Southern vs Texas Southern ( SU gets the W )
Jackson State vs Tennessee State ( No One gets the W )
Texas Southern vs Prarie View ( TSU gets the W )
Prarie View vs Grambling ( PVAMU gets the W )
Jackson vs Alcorn ( JSU gets the W )
Southern vs Grambling ( SU already gets the W )
2011 best fifths
no order. Aamu vs uapb. Gsu vs uapb. Nsu vs bcu. Pv vs txsu. Round one of gsu vs pv. Jsu vs pv. Su vs jsu.ncat vs bcu. Fvsu vs all the bands they fac…
preciate the love
I enjoyed the following
Jsu vs. Txsu
Aamu vs. Su
Aamu vs. Uapb
Su vs. Famu
Jsu vs. Tsu
Wasn't Jsu vs TXsu like 1 song
dahill said:
yea the best one round 5th of the season....
WOAH NAH said:
Kyron Rodriguez said:
HAHAHAHA at 1 round 5th lol. Then someone just posted to be posted if they had a 1 round 5th. Groupies i tell ya lol.
how can y'all forget SU vs TxSU
Bradley Bland said:
I think now we should include the pre-games as part of the 5ths if there was a pre-game battle. So by that standard JSU - TxSU was good.
hahaha wooo this guy right here is a comedian, is a win in your book just loudness or does musical quality have say so in your decision making process. Dont know y neither jackson or tenn st won out their battle, gram vs pv was a 1 n done for pv so there really wasnt a battle just grambling giving the crowd a show (not dissin pv understood they had to leave to go eat), su vs tenn st......well u must just be a hardcore jag fan for that one
Musician said: