Here are the overall ratings from the CLA Concert Band Festival held yesterday in Baton Rouge, LA. Band received ratings as high as an I (superior) and low as IV (average)

West Feliciana High School       I

Gramercy/Paulina 6th grade Band     II

East Feliciana Middle School     II

St. Martinville High School       I

Baker High School (1st group)     I

Baker High School (2nd group)      II

Christian Life Academy     I

The Dunham School       II

All the bands and their directors were very classy, disciplined, and on time. Being that this festival was only 2 weeks after Mardi Gras/Parade season, I was very impressed to see directors keeping their priorities leaning toward building a COMPLETE band program. Good luck to all at District Festival.

Thanks again,

Derrick Walker

Clips will be available by Wednesday

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  • And that's what I try to tell folks, That Bands in LA  still have Concert band (Rehearsals) during parade season yet the Marching bands are going to always be visible. because of that's what the season calls for,

    You don't see too many cameras at Concert band festivals though. and that's whats NEEDED.

    Congrats to those bands who participated. 

  • Lovin it. Will there be a lmea district fest?
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