So now I see why girls were cut! It had nothing to do with the stands, it was the field show! Some of the girls struggled with the turn sequences but the routine was fire!!
So now I see why girls were cut! It had nothing to do with the stands, it was the field show! Some of the girls struggled with the turn sequences but the routine was fire!!
2019-2020 Sensational Stingettes The Storm hits land!!
So hey new fan here love looking at the thread decided to join , great field show but at the end did anyone notice that during the switch leap into the split when they landed milagros may have slammed her head on the field.... she’s on the left
Sis was EATING and cutting TF up , I bet with all the adrenaline she probably didn't even feel it
NewStingetteFan said:
So hey new fan here love looking at the thread decided to join , great field show but at the end did anyone notice that during the switch leap into the split when they landed milagros may have slammed her head on the field.... she’s on the left
2019-2020 Sensational Stingettes The Storm hits land!!
That entrance was something deadly. I am livingggggg.
They knew what they was doing by putting Daija Milagros and Jada in the same spot during that bucking part on the field show
I agree with you. That show was energetic
Truth_Serum said:
So hey new fan here love looking at the thread decided to join , great field show but at the end did anyone notice that during the switch leap into the split when they landed milagros may have slammed her head on the field.... she’s on the left
Sis was EATING and cutting TF up , I bet with all the adrenaline she probably didn't even feel it
NewStingetteFan said:
I’m trying to, but my phone won’t let me!!
What's happening? said:
she was eating thou mama was working her tail down to that split
I noticed it. I'm shocked she had the energy to perform. She has strep, was running a fever this morning on live, and was really congested.
NewStingetteFan said:
I still want to throw my tablet because Janae walked in like that. The Stingettes delivered! It could be more polished but you see where it’s going