3rd Annual Bayou City Drumline Challenge

Calling all elementary, middle and high school drummers to this wonderful event to showcase you drumline. This event will take place at Westbury High School, located on 1191 Chimney Rock Houston Texas 77035 on January 30th 2010 at 12 Noon.This Event is sponsored by the The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Masonic Family of District 15A in Houston.


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  • Looking foward to it!
  • Is there a list so far of the drumlines that are going
  • Two years ago it was a lot of middle and elementary schools. The high Schools were Austin and Booker T. Washington.

    Last year it was the same way then Austin vs Louisiana Leadership Institute. yet Shadydale won the overall grand champion trophy.

    This year ?????
  • Can we please see more schools at this? Preferrably high schools
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