Louisiana Leadership Institute Sign-Up

Louisiana Leadership Institute will have it's sign-up session on Wednesday October 1, 2008. The session will begin at 6:30 p.m. proposed practice times are Mondays and Wednesdays 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. Although spots are already filling up quickly, all are still encouraged to come and sign up. Leadership promises to better something exciting and special. This year we are Suger Bowl bound and headed to the 2009 presidential inaguration. See you all there!Louisiana Leadership Institute5763 Hooper RoadBaton Rouge, Louisiana 70811225-358-6700

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  • what are the requirements for the LLI all-star band?? like what's all needed to sign up and all of that stuff?
  • Dorian

    The requirements are:
    1. Having already established the fundamentals of play your instrument
    2. Having dedication and a willingness to continue your involvement
    3. Possessing a desire to improve yourself musically and academically.

    If you play an wind instrument, the directors will expect you to know the standard range of your horn.
    If you play percussion, the directors expect you to know the dtandard rudiments.
  • so hw can i get in lli im in monroe la but im a all around drummer very nice on the snare is thre any pssble way i can be apart of lli if so please tell me
  • Are you the band director for this band or do you know the director?
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