HELLO AND GREETING TO ALL HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DIRECTORSI'm Hosting Oklahoma City 1ST ever High School Marching Band Showcase. With The New N.B.A Team Oklahoma's Marching Bands need a wake up call to defeat the beat. So if your band is interested in attending the showcase please email me at pthmanager@gmail.com or leave ur comments of all of your contact information about your high schools below and i'll send out all information. This showcase will benefit the youth in Oklahoma City as i put together a Allstar band in our area to expose the inner city kids to other area..i will be hosting two events one is set for the 3 weekend in Nov on the field and the second showcase is set for marching with a floorshow..The showcase will give out a cashprize and award bands in class 1a 2a and 3 a for best band, best gimmick,best aux, best drum major and grand champ.....thanks and god blessGerald P. Smith Jr.405-305-2236pthmanager@gmail.com
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