A Bandhead Exclusive | Spirit

Many of us know this song as "Spirit", "NFL Spirit" & "Cyber Spirit" (as SU's announcer called it back in 1996).. was composed by Tom Hedden,. His Name was on the arrangement my high school played as well. The Disturbing thing is this though, on many occasions I'd see online chatter about Who Wrote Spirit, I'd come back with the same Answer.. but others would Seriously Argue that Cornell Knighten made it up. Yeah, he may have written SU's Arrangement . but he's not the composer of the tune.. SU's Annoncer even said "Cyber Spirit by Tom Hedden" Prior to them playing it at Bayou Classic 96.. Prime Example


With That Said...

"Spirit" was part of The same Genre of music, And Is part of a 3 part Composition called “The Hero’s Suite” (thats all i'm telling u about that ) ...Therefore anyone Looking for this song Will Fail trying to find it. I’ve managed to come across the 3 part tune, and cutting out the part where Spirit Begins.

The Song is Amazing.

Here's Spirit

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  • So....it's not a rendition of "Old Time Religion"?
  • LOL not THAT tune ..LOL this is an NFL Sports tune ..lol

    Charles said:
    So....it's not a rendition of "Old Time Religion"?
    A Bandhead Exclusive | Spirit
    Many of us know this song as Spirit , NFL Spirit & Cyber Spirit (as SU's announcer called it back in 1996).. was composed by Tom Hedden,. His Na…
  • i was thinking the same thing ..no sound on the computers at work so i have no clue what this is talking about

    Charles said:
    So....it's not a rendition of "Old Time Religion"?
    A Bandhead Exclusive | Spirit
    Many of us know this song as Spirit , NFL Spirit & Cyber Spirit (as SU's announcer called it back in 1996).. was composed by Tom Hedden,. His Na…
  • ah durn!
  • how did u find it book?
  • i SEARCHED! ... LOL.. and i found this

    "Autumn Thunder" 40 years of NFL FILM MUSIC

    It was on Disk 8 Called "Heroes Suite: The Battle Begins/Comeback/Spirit" .. from the amazon Sample I knew it was It.. therefore I Searched and searched and FOUND! lol

    B-tone_jag_2k6 said:
    how did u find it book?
  • lol, helluva job
  • Well like you said, It was always announced as Spirit by Tom Hedden, anyone who was saying that Knighten made it up just didn't have all their facts together.
  • yeah..dude when I found it i was like... ABOUT TIME!
  • Okay.....I was like "the web page you are now viewing is not available or 404 error not found....."
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