what do you do after the band practice? whether high school or College?
After Practice at TSU.. it was always a Rec.. so that suits what we did ..LOL, ..But other than that. I chilled with my brother when practice was over. It was always cool to Streak Around Campus like nobody could see us (just playin)
Back in High School I used to Hope that Monday practices would be at least an hour shorter. We got out at 8:30 and it took nearly 2 hours and sometimes 3 buses to get home. I'd rarely get to see The End Of WWF Raw (yeah it was WWF back then ..lol) ..
Truth It. I'd make it home the house between 10:40 and 11:20. on average. I had No time To Relax. nor do homework.. at that point i had to sleep til 6 to be back at morning practice for 7am
other than that.. My Sr. Year i had All the free time in the world (Early Release) .. I used to be on Marchingsport between 11 & 3:00 .. Then I'd head to Band practice. (we started at 3:30 it took me 20 minutes to walk to school) . this was 2001 back when One Decent Audio Clip of the band online was Revolutionary! ..lol.
When Realplayer was the only way to play them on Dial Up
. LOL just imagine. nearly 10 years Later . I'm still here
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u took the words right out my mouth....put one in the air and laugh with my cbs about who got talked bad to at practice for messing up!...Then we go through a long night.....huh!, and put another one, two, or three up and hot box on display! (nick and Ron are the founders of DISPLAY.....cb where you at?!..lol!)
bamasax4 said:
smoke ....seriously
After Practice
what do you do after the band practice? whether high school or College?
After Practice at TSU.. it was always a Rec.. so that suits what we did ..LO…
yeah i didn't want to put long nights up here because of the way schools are in the spot light...hell startin in 05 i was lit during the long nights lol....you know i quit so i don't hot box no more...i miss though...what you know about that drink and go get you some bird to eat...come on cb...memories bruh
Master of Disguise said:
u took the words right out my mouth....put one in the air and laugh with my cbs about who got talked bad to at practice for messing up!...Then we go through a long night.....huh!, and put another one, two, or three up and hot box on display! (nick and Ron are the founders of DISPLAY.....cb where you at?!..lol!)
bamasax4 said:
smoke ....seriously
After Practice
what do you do after the band practice? whether high school or College?
After Practice at TSU.. it was always a Rec.. so that suits what we did ..LO…
After our practices at PVAMU, a bunch of us would always get together and put $2.00 each and buy groceries. A bunch of band people would usually come to my room and fry up chicken, macaroni, and whatever else we could think of to eat. We would sit around and play games (dominoes, truth or dare, questions etc,.) and just bs til like 4 in the morning. Then band practice was at 8am... LOL.... good times... no sleep but good times.
lol lol me and my brother used to go to the corner store and gen Ramen Noodles, eggs and Energy Drinks and chill with the fellow oceanites
Goldy_1914 said:
After our practices at PVAMU, a bunch of us would always get together and put $2.00 each and buy groceries. A bunch of band people would usually come to my room and fry up chicken, macaroni, and whatever else we could think of to eat. We would sit around and play games (dominoes, truth or dare, questions etc,.) and just bs til like 4 in the morning. Then band practice was at 8am... LOL.... good times... no sleep but good times.
After Practice
what do you do after the band practice? whether high school or College?
After Practice at TSU.. it was always a Rec.. so that suits what we did ..LO…
Me and my freinds would usually stick around for a while and play some more, or just hang out in the directors office. The it would be off to home for me to eat and sleep.
bamasax4 said:
Master of Disguise said:
Goldy_1914 said: