Alcorn State University Sounds of Dyn-o-Mite!

This band has grown a lot this year and sound a whole lot better than what they did in a long time. i have got to hand it to them, they deserve the respect, and i was very impressed with them this year. What are your opinions about them so far?

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  • The Sounds of Dyn-o-Mite is just a Liddell/Murray edition of the "Sonic Boom of The South" that has migrated to Lorman, MS.
  • I think not.... Murray just bringing thing back to light that Alcorn use to do....Songs that Alcorn use to play....but to outsiders that doesn't know any better they think its JSU....

  • Alcorn doesn't know if they want to be JSU, BCC or bama state.  Murray has copied the pants off of JSU's style, songs and overall everything.  I know he got fired from JSU but damn you would think he would stick to what alcorn's original style is.


    I hate copycats

  • Alcorn got the numbers, but didn't return to their old style.... they got bitten by the "size" bug

  • To know a copy cat you must know the style yourself and don't. That's like me telling someone from UAPB the copy Grambling when I marched in neither band. Please come better.
  • We played alot of the songs before. Sometimes all season and wouldn't play them against certain schools. As a alum there are totally something's I don't agree with but the style hasn't changed much. Now if you refer from 1989 to 2012 yes.
  • So tell me anyone how Alcorn Style has change? So when Dr Liddell was over the Boom did their style change? or Mr Jackson for SU? every Band Director going to do things a little different than the director before them but overall the basics still going to be the same.

  • Alcorn has in NO WAY copied JSU nor any other band. ALOT of the current Alcorn that ppl are FINALLY paying attention to has been set in stone for years, just with a modern flair. Griffin made that band from cratch and his marks are still all over it, Murray is doing a great job and I feel that he is making Griff proud. But its funny how ppl get on here and bash Alcorn for playing a song that others feel JSU owns, but wont say a word when TXSU plays "Do What You Wanna"....smh

  • I normally don't speak on this board, however, sometimes people must be reminded of the true facts. I refuse to argue with no names.

    The only bands that really matter at this point and I mean bands who are good in their own rights and originality are Southern's Human Jukebox, JSU Sonic Boom and Bama State's Mighty Marching Hornets. These bands don't copy entire shows from other bands and steal identities to be known.

    At this moment I refuse to rebutal on any comments about any other band that isn't mentioned in the TOP THREE (JUKES, BOOM & HORNETS)

  • But coming from a band who stole a whole dance routine from Southern in 2011 and then performed it at their home game??? Lmao some of the bands wouldn't know real if Ray Charles blind ass was band director. Lol
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