
  • That pretty much sums it up!
  • No matter how good you are, you're still a crab. Therefore, you suck.
  • No respect for "One Hit Wonders" (Only marched one year). Humble thyself regardless of your musical ability. Just becaused you studied *insert school* since you came out the coote doesn't many ANYTHING!
  • Rep yo city to the fullest!!!!
    • do not represent your city. you don't have a hometown. you don't have a mother. you don't have a background. we will tell you who you are and what to be. After your first year rep what you will. But till then All crabs are from the same place. stupidville. Empty your mind and allow us to fill it up.


  • lmmfao. Stupidville! Bruh imma have to use that one
  • College is to IMPROVE your quality of life, college band is to IMPROVE your talents. Remember those two elements and you'll do fine.

    MOST IMPORTANTLY: You will not pass (or return) if you don't GO.....TO....CLASS!!!


    Oh yeah clam up, lock up, and cherish where the Good Lord and your HARD WORK has led you. Good luck.

  • everything u said bamasax4 sums it up just right but these soft ass newbys. I tell u things ain't the way they use to be that's why so many schools get into mess on a year to year bases lil MF runnning there mouths to much.
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