Just a thought because I was viewing the video section and all was great until someone posted a decade-old fieldshow. That totally ruined my band mojo for the evening.
Which is why I have come up with the brilliant suggestion that the posting of old videos shouldn’t be allowed during the marching season. Only current, in-season material… That would be September through the end of the year. Then the uploading of old videos can resume around MLK day in January. Makes sense right?
Lastly, the vertical videos… Annoying! If you post vertical videos please watch the video below.
- Chris
lol at the vertical video syndrome
Dude, I thought I was the only one getting pissed off from seeing old videos we already saw 50 times. Its already bad enough Im patiently trying to wait for new footage to post. All of a sudden someone loads a half page of old crap...Seriously?
LOL Vertical videos...iPhone syndrome. lol.