AP Music Theory... anybody??

I'm just curious... does your H.S. offer AP Music Theory as a class? In MI, they do... but it's usually the 'higher class', 'rich'.. whatever you wanna call them schools that offer it. I was just wondering does your school? 

My school doesn't.. which is a shame to me because alot of us in the music program plan to take it on to college.. and plan to be Music Educators. 

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  • We have a begging music and Advanced music Classes.
  • yeah I took it and the College board exam..
    it's no joke. they have two separate scores I averaged out to passing it
    and passed both separately.. it was pretty cool and fun class.
  • yeah mines doe s.. all u hav to do is request it at ur school and get enough ppl to enroll in the class
  • As long as your band/choir/orchestra director takes the AP training and gets AP certified, you can take the AP Theory test at the end of the year.

    The place I work at offers the class, but as a dumping ground for non-musicians. We teach it as a Music Appreciation/Beginning Band class. But the kids that really need to take it are juniors and seniors that plan to major in music.
  • Why do they do that? Just curious cuz when they tried to start a band out here they would do the same thing. At least ya'll got a band!

    ClevePVU said:
    As long as your band/choir/orchestra director takes the AP training and gets AP certified, you can take the AP Theory test at the end of the year.

    The place I work at offers the class, but as a dumping ground for non-musicians. We teach it as a Music Appreciation/Beginning Band class. But the kids that really need to take it are juniors and seniors that plan to major in music.
    AP Music Theory... anybody??
    I'm just curious... does your H.S. offer AP Music Theory as a class? In MI, they do... but it's usually the 'higher class', 'rich'.. whatever you wan…
  • Because the average counselor at "our" schools didn't read the part of the book that deals with scheduling kids and keeping them on track to graduate...

    That's a whole 'nother topic there...

    There's so MANY factors working against us trying to make a band work up here...we just polish it up nice for competitions...
  • ...and some of these counselors look like you and I...which makes it even worse.

    ClevePVU said:
    Because the average counselor at "our" schools didn't read the part of the book that deals with scheduling kids and keeping them on track to graduate...

    That's a whole 'nother topic there...

    There's so MANY factors working against us trying to make a band work up here...we just polish it up nice for competitions...
    AP Music Theory... anybody??
    I'm just curious... does your H.S. offer AP Music Theory as a class? In MI, they do... but it's usually the 'higher class', 'rich'.. whatever you wan…
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