There is a huge conflict dealing with the statement that boys are naturally better than girls on a horn (mello.,trumpet.,b-tone etc) iwud like to kno others opions on this statement/thought. Do yu think that it might be true or false.? Do boys possibly push more then girls...pls add a comment to this discussion because im curious...

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  • Sex doesn't determine if you're a good player or not.
  • well i think naturally bois r more aggresive on a horn.....sum girls do b bringin it but we got that we dont give a **** attitude wen is comes to battlin.....
  • Anyone can have that attitude...

    JOsh WALdrUP said:
    well i think naturally bois r more aggresive on a horn.....sum girls do b bringin it but we got that we dont give a **** attitude wen is comes to battlin.....
    Are boys naturally better than girls on a horn.?
    There is a huge conflict dealing with the statement that boys are naturally better than girls on a horn (mello.,trumpet.,b-tone etc) iwud like to kno…
  • I've only met afew females with the same push and aggression that the fellow male band members have. But they do exist. I think that stigma comes from all the girls that don't hold their own weight the way most of the males do. But you know what, there are just as many males not taking the initiative also. So NO, I don't think sex is a factor.
  • Definitely not. I'm living proof!! Of course it's not all about range but it does help, but as long as you know your horn and the fundamentals of music nothing else matters!! Guys tend to work harder than girls do so they make it known they're not horn holders.....Practice makes permanent how you practice is how you're going to perform!
  • If u look at the physical make-up of the two genders, men are more physically inclined to play the larger instruments. But, physicality is only 1/3 of the puzzle. Aural training and musical knowledge are just as important. Not to mention, consistent and dedicated physical training will ALWAYS (yes, always) outlast and outshine natural ability. So the natural physique that men bring to the table can be overruled by consistent training by women.

    Males are more physically inclined to plays "horns", but i cant say that they are "naturally better". Most females just dont even want to hold a tuba lol
  • This sexist bs starts in elementary school when band directors (who are mostly male) toss the females on a woodwind (minus saxes) and all the males on brass & percussion.

    But hey, I do notice when a male plays a flute/picc/c-net and is a section of females, the male is usually the better player. So ionno... Maybe men are more naturally tuned to the arts
  • i think its just that it has been passed down thru centuries that men are so called "better" then women. women were not given as much opportunity to play an instrument than men had.

    and also most of the time most of the band is male
  • My two cents....

    Boys are naturally more aggressive than females, but it has no effect on playing an instrument. I honestly have not met more than 10 females that wanted to be aggressive on their insturment. I myself am more aggressive than most guys on my horn but that's because I want it more than most. A lot of females IMO think that its not lady like to be aggressive. Some are to sensitive and go off of emotion. When I'm playing my horn, there is no difference in sexes. I will blow out an aggressive guy just as fast as I would blow out some random female. I talk more noise than most people and then when you say something, I will challenge you lol I had to add that.

    so to me, the difference is in the individual person
  • iunderstand where all of yu are coming from but at the same time the word "aggressive" keeps poppin up && to be straight forward on how ifeel., ifeel that being aggressive does not makk yu better than another it jus means that yu are most likely louder && that's all because sum onee can be more aggressive than me but hav an awful tone && be horrible at tonguin etc so aggressive could be part of it but definitely not all...&& yea band directors who are mostly males., dis place the stupid thought && hav it passed on.
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