
Are there any arrangers on this site, who have songs that can be heard for possible purchase or any other sites that have arrangements up to listen to for the same reason. P.S. Does ReDough still do arrangements, I know he had a site at one time. If he has another could y'all give me the address for him and any other arrangers.

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  • I have some on my page!
  • for what program?
  • I honestly never understood the concept of buying someone else's arrangements (with the exception of traditional marches and other traditional tunes).

    But that might just be me.

    How much do arrangers sell their arrangements for anyway? And isn't that like some kind of copywright infringement?

  • OK. So I've been in the arranging game for a while. U can actually go to publishers like Hal Leonard and get your arrangements copyrighted so they can be perfromed on tv and other places.

    As far as how much arrangers are making, it varies. Go to and check out some of the sites from arrangers on there. You will find some arrangers making anywhere from $25 a song, to $1500 a show, don't miss.

    You make a lot more money if you can arrange for more instruments. The corps and corps style bands pay well for someone to think of a concept for them than for them to have to come up with it themselves.

    There is a gang of money to be made, and don't be suprised when I'm the one making it.

    Check out my site:

    It'll be totally up and running by mid July.
  • Below is my page. The my music box has about a hundred of my arrangements in MP3 form.
    QueKnight's Page
    QueKnight's Page on
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