
  • The same Atlanta area bands that attend every year...
  • What bands is that?

    Chris - Pinnacle of Hummanity... said:
    The same Atlanta area bands that attend every year...
    ATL BOTB Nov 7....who's on the lineup????
    Just trying to see what bands are on the lineup for the BOTB on November 7.
  • The 7 is a sunday
  • yes the 7th is a Sunday......

    Band {♪C.Haywaяd♪} Captain™ said:
    The 7 is a sunday
    ATL BOTB Nov 7....who's on the lineup????
    Just trying to see what bands are on the lineup for the BOTB on November 7.
  • It will be bands that arent from Atlanta as well thats why i asked....

    Chris - Pinnacle of Hummanity... said:
    The same Atlanta area bands that attend every year...
    ATL BOTB Nov 7....who's on the lineup????
    Just trying to see what bands are on the lineup for the BOTB on November 7.
  • I think this is the National highsteping competition.
  • nah thats something completely different....

    Reppa said:
    I think this is the National highsteping competition.
    ATL BOTB Nov 7....who's on the lineup????
    Just trying to see what bands are on the lineup for the BOTB on November 7.
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