If you planning on performing with the GHASB this summer '09 (... new and returning instrumentalist and percussionist) we STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to participate in this event... see details below:Greater Houston All-Star Band&Texas Southern University Proudly Presents:The GHASB All-City Concert Band Clinic Workshop and ConcertTentatively Scheduled for Saturday March 7th 2009 in the Texas Southern University Band Room.This clinic is designed to expose middle/high school area students to musical techniques that involve students performing in a concert band setting. Students will have the opportunity to rehearse with clinicians from area Universities. This is an effort to support the growth and development of the concert band in Houston area schools. The clinic will conclude with a concert (some UIL repertoire) at the end (open to the public).8:00a.m. – 9:30a.m. Registration (Auditions)9:30a.m. - 10:00a.m. Chair Placement10:00a.m. – 1:00p.m. Music Rehearsal3p.m. Final PerformancePlease remember our 3 future performances: 1. March 11, 09 ( Percussion only..stayed tuned for practice schedule)2. March 14, 09 ( Full Band...There will be ONE rehearsal for this event on Friday, March 13, 09 which be in the form of a lock-in featuring practice, games, movies,food... stayed tuned for more details).Questions or Concerns may directed to the staff at houall_star01@yahoo.com...
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you know IM already there..lol..whats good mr knight hows the beast
... BIG -AL thanks for ALL your help to the Houston Band Community... I believe this workshop will be a great help... looking foward to seeing Professor Benjamin Butler in action.
Attention All Greater Houston All Star Band Members!!!
If you planning on performing with the GHASB this summer '09 (... new and returning instrumentalist and percussionist) we STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to p…
So these dates are combined with the workshops that are already being held a TxSU on Saturdays?
Kinda, the Saturday workshops are a little more geared towrard private lessons helping improve Scales, Sight Reading, and Audition Pieces, but everything helps. You cant practice enough and u can always be better.
Attention All Greater Houston All Star Band Members!!!
If you planning on performing with the GHASB this summer '09 (... new and returning instrumentalist and percussionist) we STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to p…
The band is performing for the Grand "Reopening" of the Children's Museum of Houston (...they just built a new wing)... performance time is 10am.... working on a new updated site now...
Chris said:
But whats going on March 14th????
and rename the site to GHASB.com... would be a lil bit easier for us old ppl to type in and remember
Attention All Greater Houston All Star Band Members!!!
If you planning on performing with the GHASB this summer '09 (... new and returning instrumentalist and percussionist) we STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to p…
... BIG -AL thanks for ALL your help to the Houston Band Community... I believe this workshop will be a great help... looking foward to seeing Professor Benjamin Butler in action.
lilscooda_LM said:
Kinda, the Saturday workshops are a little more geared towrard private lessons helping improve Scales, Sight Reading, and Audition Pieces, but everything helps. You cant practice enough and u can always be better.
But whats going on March 14th????
and rename the site to GHASB.com... would be a lil bit easier for us old ppl to type in and remember
Chris said: