Attention all Ocean of Soul and Marching Storm Members
as well as Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma
Friday, May 6th is the date set for the Smackdown Battle of the Bands featuring 10 of the best bands in Houston. Event will be at Barnett Stadium starting at 6pm.
Although this is a high school event, I am encouraging you all to come and not only show support to your future band members but to recruit. I think the relationship between the high schools and area colleges can be strengthened by you guys making your presence known at this event.
Im encouraging representatives including KKPSi and TBS to come bring your letters as well as set up an informational booth about your band programs. Also Im encouraging the remaining band members to wear their shirts to show pride to excite the high school students and boost interest.
This event is very important to both aspects: high school and college because this is a fundraiser for the high schools. 80% of the proceeds are going back into the programs. Due to recent budget cuts, most of our budgets which were already small are being completely wiped out so we are looking forward to:
1. Missing almost of our football games
2. No new instruments or repairs
3. Less performances at parades etc.
4. No new uniforms or current uniform cleaning
5. No basic band maintenance.
6. A number of schools are phasing out music altogether and decided to not have Band period.
So to TXSU and PV band members, we need you guys. Otherwise, in the next 2 years, you will have no lifeline coming to your programs. We have good repoire with the band directors but now we need you the members to come show some support.
Tickets are $10.
One representative from KKPsi and TBS from both schools please contact me
NOTE: I am not a member of Kappa Kappa Psi but I recognize their positive contribution as the National Honorary Band Fraternity.