August 1, 2012(Band Season)

Well, it's that time of the year again! All the new recruits report to camp and we will soon be able to see what the upcoming season has in store. Congratulations to all the CRABS at HBCUs everywhere. Let the work begin. Work hard, Play hard. Have fun and take advantage of this great experience like no other.

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  • Shit Just Got Real...All summer its been alumni allstar topics and COUNTLESS dance topics...lmao this website bouta pick up so much muthafukin traffic!!!

  • most of the dance topics was by the same person that shit was annoying af.

    BigDawgBatonRouge said:

    Shit Just Got Real...All summer its been alumni allstar topics and COUNTLESS dance topics...lmao this website bouta pick up so much muthafukin traffic!!!

    August 1, 2012(Band Season)
    Well, it's that time of the year again! All the new recruits report to camp and we will soon be able to see what the upcoming season has in store. Co…
  • yea smh


  • Lol rap time

    Goin on bandhead
    Fukin wit theses topics
    Bitch I'm from b.r.
    Fuck your n your topics
    On this ya discussion
    Yea I drop dat hot shit
    All these dance topics
    Book c'Mon n stop this
    Go head stick yo chest out
    Oh his chest dont stick out
    Drumline in my vcr
    Still my chest dont stick out
    U don't wan get hazed
    Den go head n slip out
    Hopped up n dat chevy
    Burning rubba as i zipped out

    Yeah its the fall crabs bouta crawl
    Yeah its the fall crabs bouta crawl!

    Lmfao! I can be a rapper...
  • please...BigDawg...edit your speech - as topics and responses on this site are very public.

  • I was playing.
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