Aye Lil Cuzz...

I saw you posted those clips but Peabody has ALWAYS been a top-level band. So has New Orleans, but due to the fact only ONE band ever traveled out side of the city. No one has never seen your bands up until the YouTube age. Before that we were listening to clips and stuff. So people are going to naturally say Peabody is the best band based on what they know.ANSWER... You N.O bands need to travel more.Peabody's band travels a lot more places and more out-of-LA ppl see Peabody. And people RARELY see a New Orleans band (except on the news). Just like you can compare N.O bands to Peabody, because you have seen Peabody. But people outside of N.O know little about the bands there.So I don't think New Orleans bands are purposely being under-credited.And you posting clips from 91' 97' and stuff... how old were you in 1991??? Man... its 2008

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  • Man from what I know my band at st.aug in the 7th ward of new orleans always traveled... you can look at the videos. so yeah maybe thats true for some bands in da N.O but to be real... Peabody is not ready dude, Im tellin you...
    This is a hit on 318 band geek, he tryin to put everybody in one category as in sayin that north la bands can actually put up a good fight... man I dont know about those other bands but I know about peabody an I can tell you its not a hit on the school but yeah the band jus needs more work...
  • im not going peabody the tittle of being the best its not going 2 happen 318 bandgeek i have nothing against dude but ur school in not the best and b4 the hurricane new orleans bands always traveled like st aug, carver,kennedy,john mac,o perry walker,mc35 and easton even after the hurricane we travel walker goes to geogiaand st aug goes everywhere frm the south to new york and and easton goes to st petersburg,fl every year and we even go to battle of the band out states (depend where) and the reseaon y we travel after the hurricane much is becuz of the money like if we get an invite some where we are not getting any or alot of money doing that event its like we put on a free show
  • whatever dude u are still not the best yall can't up with out state school
  • u are stupid bruh peabody ain't good at all
  • lol this lil dude said peabody isnt good at all LMAO!!! Peabody is probly the BEST DRILLING band in Louisiana.Only other two band near there level is St.Martville and Jackson..they sound good too. They may not have like 12 tpets, 10 bones or 8 fhorns. But they use what they have and the have plenty of 1ST PLACE trophies sitting in the band room to prove the good.
  • Peabody is an excellent band...They shitted on 35...This is my opinion...They better by sound drilling marching overall...BTW How the skills

    lil cuzin said:
    u are stupid bruh peabody ain't good at all
    Aye Lil Cuzz...
    I saw you posted those clips but Peabody has ALWAYS been a top-level band. So has New Orleans, but due to the fact only ONE band ever traveled out si…
  • peabody might good at drilling and cuz they sound doesn't match the drilling they ahve no style what so ever
  • What you mean by no style

    lil cuzin said:
    peabody might good at drilling and cuz they sound doesn't match the drilling they ahve no style what so ever
    Aye Lil Cuzz...
    I saw you posted those clips but Peabody has ALWAYS been a top-level band. So has New Orleans, but due to the fact only ONE band ever traveled out si…
  • Like I said man, New Orleans bands are in their own world, They don't see the real competition they have in the other LA Cities therefore They believe that they're the best in the state.

    On the other hand people are quick to give that title to One Hit Wonders..
  • HAHAHA, +!@#$ give respect to McMain, HAHAHAHA, even new orleans bands dont respect Mcmain, MAn YOU Need to get out more 318 Band Geek
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