Bahaha @ Greg thats how you feel big know as well I know we got the SWAC on lock...but aye I know you coming to the gump on Nov of those battles you dnt wanna miss SU and Bama St at da bowl
GREG T. said:
dang jarvis always thought u were smart guess i was wrong lol
Jarvis Carlisle said:
Of course Bama St band got the SWAC on lock thats not even a question to ask
Its going pretty good man yea I been busy...I been working hard and working the hell out of Bama St drum section...started grad school at Full Sail for music business thats taking up sum time to...How things been wit you?
GREG T. said:
u know i'll be there bruh hows everything goin for u havent heard from u in a lil while
been pretty good band director of mcintosh high school and i got an ex marching hornet up here helping me so u know i'm hearing all kinds of trash talk about the band but i know he'll go silent after the jukebox come thru the gump
Oh ok dats wats I believe it...old school MMH gonna talk PLENTY of I aint talking no trash til the day before...but im looking foward to that cause its at the end of the season and both bands will be fully developed...I expect the refs to tell the bands to stop playing at least 10
GREG T. said:
been pretty good band director of mcintosh high school and i got an ex marching hornet up here helping me so u know i'm hearing all kinds of about the band but i know he'll go silent after the jukebox come thru the gump
bamasax4 said:
Jarvis Carlisle said:
GREG T. said:
GREG T. said:
GREG T. said: