I've been on marchingsport or bandhead, whatever you want to call it, for a minute! I've always noticed that there are only certain types of people that say the things they say on marchingsport. For all the staff members in colleges and highschools on marchingsport, why is it that YALL don't lower yourselves like GREG from MOBILE, AL? This thread isn't about how he bashes any band but more about the character of a man or woman who talks like that. I mean not just a man or woman but a grown man or woman! My question is, like bama state would you tell him to kick rocks or would you do what he obviously can't do and help him? You know some constructive criticism! If your a staff memeber actually reading this would you recommend GREG for your program? Someone from SU, i mean anybody anywhere!lol!...MY LAST QUESTION IS DOES THIS SITE REFLECT GREGS CHANCES ON BECOMING WHAT WE ALL KOW HE WANTS TO BE!

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  • so you are that hurt by my comments that you made a whole thread about me.dude i could care less if any1 wants me at their program or not i have a job and might i add a damn good 1.alabama state arrangements are high schoolish and your band is underachieving big time.again who cares what you think of me or anybody else.point is every1 expected a lot from this band after seeing you the 1st week and just like every other year you've been goin downhill every since.i could see if i were lying but just check the comments on any of your clips from others not me.i havent bashed not one student i only talked about the staff there.i can say what i want to you or any1 else no1 else is offended by what i say or how i say it but you simple minded kids up there.if you took some of your energy and helped your alma mater maybe they would sound and look better. but of course to you they look and sound just fine thats why your band is idle right now cause you cant take criticism.southern took criticism from ppl last year because of how their tpets hung over and balance problems but did they get on the net and cry about it no they worked even harder and came out this year with a better my response to this nonsense is for you guys to stop crying when some1 doesnt like what you put out there and try harder.and in regards to you saying i applied to state for a job keep it going dude we both know the truth.
  • ha just be at the gulf coast classic in the endzone bruh i will have some1 recording so we can sort out the facts from the lies since i applied at state. and there will be ppl from state there too not just southern folks
    things i'm hating on bama state about.
    1.sound in the stands and on the field is night and day
    2.plays too many rap songs(no versatility)
    3.lines are never straight on the field(they dont march at a fast tempo so it shouldnt be that complicated)
    4.constant mistakes on the drill.
    5.plays a march but omits the woodwind solo even though you have plenty of them
    6. too many mistakes withh music you've been playing all year.
  • here you go again!!lol!! Bands copied the most. You asked that very question, and for some reason like all your post, you get on bama state. If i talked about anything like you talk about us then i would admit to dyck riding, but i don't! You ride our nuts more than the people who like us!lol!! Anywayz you still old, and you still will never direct on a collegiate level, so hang up ya dream, and line your students up for lunch pops!lol!!

    greg said:
    so you are that hurt by my comments that you made a whole thread about me.dude i could care less if any1 wants me at their program or not i have a job and might i add a damn good 1.alabama state arrangements are high schoolish and your band is underachieving big time.again who cares what you think of me or anybody else.point is every1 expected a lot from this band after seeing you the 1st week and just like every other year you've been goin downhill every since.i could see if i were lying but just check the comments on any of your clips from others not me.i havent bashed not one student i only talked about the staff there.i can say what i want to you or any1 else no1 else is offended by what i say or how i say it but you simple minded kids up there.if you took some of your energy and helped your alma mater maybe they would sound and look better. but of course to you they look and sound just fine thats why your band is idle right now cause you cant take criticism.southern took criticism from ppl last year because of how their tpets hung over and balance problems but did they get on the net and cry about it no they worked even harder and came out this year with a better my response to this nonsense is for you guys to stop crying when some1 doesnt like what you put out there and try harder.and in regards to you saying i applied to state for a job keep it going dude we both know the truth.
    I've been on marchingsport or bandhead, whatever you want to call it, for a minute! I've always noticed that there are only certain types of people t…
  • o i 4got to mention that this site might(reflect)ha ha ha your chances of getting anywhere in does any1 at bama state know how to spell seriously. the word should've been affect not reflect intelligent one who knows all.and just so you know every1 that does this isn't tryin to be on the college level.i'm very proud of my school and what they have achieved b4,during and after i was there.i know you don't feel the same cause you are here trying to defend them.i dont have to do that cause my alum is doing just fine. just find me one person from bama state that can spell.and i love all the responses you are getting on here.but i know yo asu buddies will be on here bashing me 4 everything under the more thing kids go to southern,jackson,gram,famu,to be the go to bama state because they couldn't get into those other programs i just mentioned.some maybe because of family tradition
  • and to further explain how imcompetent and stupid your staff is they decided to write "everything she wants" which has been played by southern for 2 years. not that they are forbidden to play it but the arrangement is horrid and playing at the gcc will mean certain embarrassment for this band,since southern has come as close to perfecting this arrangement as they can be. maybe some1 will tell the mmh to trash this b4 saturday but we all know that you guys think its hot so i'll just sit back and laugh when this occurs.hint:if you are gonna play a song that some1 else plays already at least make it better then their version.your arrangers might not comment on this and other sites but they sure do stay logged on and watch su clips religiously.AND YOU TALK ABOUT BEING COPIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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