Posted by J Harris on September 30, 2009 at 10:11pm
Discussion between Directors and Students on how to better our programsThis reply fits so many other bands now-a-days and its pretty for this section. Listen to the truth.
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Great discussion this discussion should have 100's of replies by now, we as a race just will not try to dig deep as a whole and fix what need to be fixed and that is ourselves. I just wanted to say to the Directors - your bands will always take on the character of the director. Our school has had 4 directors in 6 years, our band has had 4 different personalities in six years.
First director was very professional cared about the program and the students, worked with the parents took pride in the school. Band members modeled his behavior were disciplined, praticed, listen to directions, improved as musicians and cooperated with Band Booster great program.
Second director was out of control cursed the students out daily, cursed parents occassionly ,lied to students & parents
and adminstration constantly, fought with students, cheated in every competion with old heads and broke the law a few times with students under his care. Band was out of control, no discipline didn't practice, quite band joined football team to set on the bench because football offered discipline and structure.
Third director was respectful yet not motivated, did not lead or control his band left that to others. Students lost motivation
and respect for director. Band year was uneventful, no musical training was taught no musical gains were made.
Fourth band director is working hard is young does teach, needs to listen to those parents and students who have stuck with the program for the past six years to make his trasition move in a productive and postive manner. He gives too much responsibity to boosters who think they are band directors. Booster says what time band members should come and go, what attire band is to wear at fuctions, when band should meet and leave for events, how band should travel. Band members are confused, just who is the band director , The band director or the booster club member.
All this time, the base of the band members have been the same a core of good members who want to learn music.
Four directors four personalities and four different outcomes from the same band. Band directors have to be professional have self discipline and responsbile with their towards their bands because what behavior you model for the band is what behaviors you will see in your band members.
First director was very professional cared about the program and the students, worked with the parents took pride in the school. Band members modeled his behavior were disciplined, praticed, listen to directions, improved as musicians and cooperated with Band Booster great program.
Second director was out of control cursed the students out daily, cursed parents occassionly ,lied to students & parents
and adminstration constantly, fought with students, cheated in every competion with old heads and broke the law a few times with students under his care. Band was out of control, no discipline didn't practice, quite band joined football team to set on the bench because football offered discipline and structure.
Third director was respectful yet not motivated, did not lead or control his band left that to others. Students lost motivation
and respect for director. Band year was uneventful, no musical training was taught no musical gains were made.
Fourth band director is working hard is young does teach, needs to listen to those parents and students who have stuck with the program for the past six years to make his trasition move in a productive and postive manner. He gives too much responsibity to boosters who think they are band directors. Booster says what time band members should come and go, what attire band is to wear at fuctions, when band should meet and leave for events, how band should travel. Band members are confused, just who is the band director , The band director or the booster club member.
All this time, the base of the band members have been the same a core of good members who want to learn music.
Four directors four personalities and four different outcomes from the same band. Band directors have to be professional have self discipline and responsbile with their towards their bands because what behavior you model for the band is what behaviors you will see in your band members.