
  • yu answer dhat
  • he cant answer it.. he not from n.o.
  • What cause they bigger? i hope not
  • Cause They're Too Full Of They Selves!!
  • another one of these ....smh.
  • fa real...

    T.Jean; said:
    another one of these ....smh.
    Baton Rouge vs. New Orleans
    Why do N.O bands think there are so much better than B.R bands?
  • For real,... if anything "some" Baton Rouge bands think they to much.
    We just do what we do.
    "Some" of ya'll think ya'll the best cause ya'll try to replicate S.U but sound shxt like 'em.
    Real talk.

    T.Jean; said:
    another one of these ....smh.
    Baton Rouge vs. New Orleans
    Why do N.O bands think there are so much better than B.R bands?
  • sound sh** like them? Come on man really.. If they sound sh** then who sound better....if we sound sh** jus like them then them n.o. bands must sound like sh** too.. we must all sound like sh**?????
  • TenorDHS said:
    we must all sound like sh**?????

    Baton Rouge vs. New Orleans
    Why do N.O bands think there are so much better than B.R bands?
  • We jus rep where we from! everyone should take pride n where they are from n what who dey play for
    he didnt say SU sounded like shyt he said yall tryna sound like SU make yall sound like shyt
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