If these two schools had a band battle, who do you all think would win a battle out of the Callaway Chargers out of Northwest Jackson, Mississippi or O' Perry Walker Chargers out of that Westbank of New Orleans, Louisiana? I heard both bands before and they are both good. I personally think that it would be a good battle.

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  • I'd like to see it...
  • couple ways it could happen...
    OPW goes to Jackson for let's say homecoming parade... unlikely
    Calloway comes to N.O. for Mardi Gras...unlikely
    Both bands go to Biloxi for MLK botb...(possibility)
  • This happened in Shreveport in 04-05. Drumline botb.. Walker smashed Callaway. Clip used to be on themarchingnetwork.

    I don't know about now...haven't seen either band...
  • I was gone say 03-05 Callaway might have given O.P a run......

    can't really say much now cause i haven't heard anything from them in sometime
  • u rite
    TBoneSuave said:
    I was gone say 03-05 Callaway might have given O.P a run......

    can't really say much now cause i haven't heard anything from them in sometime
    Battle of the Chargers (Callaway vs O' Perry Walker)
    If these two schools had a band battle, who do you all think would win a battle out of the Callaway Chargers out of Northwest Jackson, Mississippi or…
  • I think that the Murrah Mustangs vs McMain Mustangs would be a good battle also
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