Here's the dilemma. 


You have a small band program, but your kids want to play music like the big boys.

...and you want to put more kids in your program.


Don't play music that is written with a large band in mind!


Block Band writes for several different Group Size, including Group Size A.


Group size A Bands are smaller bands with one to two primary voices. 


We excel at making these bands sound good. 


Then your students will happy, and your band won't be small for longer as more and musicians will flock to you to be a part of what's going on!


Check These Out!


"Roc Boys" for Group Size A Marching Band


"Sabotage" for Group Size A Marching Band


"Wobble" for Group Size A Marching Band


As your band grows, all of these songs are easily adaptable for larger bands. 


Contact Us Today to obtain our music catalog.

D. Rashad Watters
Founder, CEO
Block Band Music &   Publishing, LLC
Block Band Music &   Publishing…Your Assistant Band Director!
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