Florida A&M President James Ammons has resigned the same day parents of a drum major who died after being hazed added the university to a wrongful death lawsuit.                                                     


Ammons resigned Wednesday in a letter to the university governing board.


Robert Champion died in November after being beaten by fellow band members during a hazing ritual aboard a bus parked outside an Orlando hotel following a football game against the school's archrival.

Eleven FAMU band members face felony hazing charges, while two others face misdemeanor counts for alleged roles in the hazing. They have pleaded not guilty.

Champion's death put a spotlight on hazing at the school and led to the suspension of the band until at least next year.

The lawsuit brought by Champion's parents claims FAMU officials didn't take enough action to stop hazing.

“I was just made aware of today’s announcement and have read President Ammons’ resignation letter. I realize that this must have been a very difficult decision for President Ammons and his family. As the President candidly and correctly noted in his letter, there are challenges remaining at FAMU that ‘must be met head on.’ The Florida Board of Governors is committed to continued assistance to the FAMU Board of Trustees in order to fully resolve these challenges and ensure FAMU’s future success,” says Dean Colson, Chair for the Florida Board of Governors.

Chairman Solomon Badger III Statement

"I am saddened by President Ammons' decision to resign, but it is his choice to do so.  Given all that has transpired, it seems to be in the best interest of the University and I applaud him for putting FAMU ahead of his personal goals."

Dr. Solomon Badger III Chair, FAMU Board of Trustees

University Statement Regarding the Champion Family Lawsuit

“We have known for quite some time that the family intended to file suit.   Our hearts and prayers still go out to the Champion family.  We are unable to comment further due to the pending litigation surrounding this matter.”

Sharon P. Saunders Chief Communications Officer

Stay with WCTV for details.

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