ok first of all im only in high school.. but i was thinkin about it and btones really are. they take more breath than any high brass. yes/no. most of the time they are heavier than anything except tubas but then u march with it around your shoulder. might not always be louder than bones but btones are constantly taking evreything up and almost always have the melody for songs... theres more reasons but lemme know what u think on this subject cuz im tired of people quick to jump on btones when they mess up.. im not tryna make an excuse for not playin rite but damn cud ya back off a lil

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  • First off I play baritone and if you ask me it's all about tecnique. There are right ways of doing things and then there are "Wrong" ways of doing things. As far as actual parts go, a baritone is somewhat of an "acrobat" in arrangements because that instrument can do so much. It can support a Tuba and play basslines ( listen to alot of old JSU arrangements and you will see what I mean). It can play melody as you hear all the time and also countermelody. As far as people jumping on baritones when they "mess up" you have to understand that times have indeed changed and people no longer just see trumpets as the "Center" of the band. Now-a-days, especially in black bands, the baritones and mellophones are often the strength and most matured section in the band , so alot is expected.
  • yeah i tried playin btone, it takes alot of air and lip busses alot.
  • i heard it was fhorn
  • nah. F-Horn is def. the hardest just cuz the range on it is crazy
  • try to play the sackbut
  • f horn easy to me its just yu cant scream cuz it sound stupid.
  • what type of mouthpiece you playin on?
  • lemme see u build up the air strength to play btone..
    the only reason im as gud as i am is cuz i came from tuba

    Aaron Dunkley said:
    nah. F-Horn is def. the hardest just cuz the range on it is crazy
    ok first of all im only in high school.. but i was thinkin about it and btones really are. they take more breath than any high brass. yes/no. most of…
  • i agree
  • i'm a tuba player too. thats why playing b-tone isnt that hard for me. i can beast on a b-tone. i tried f-horn during concert season and lets just say it didnt go well for me.

    hC b-t0N3 said:
    lemme see u build up the air strength to play btone..
    the only reason im as gud as i am is cuz i came from tuba Aaron Dunkley said:
    nah. F-Horn is def. the hardest just cuz the range on it is crazy
    ok first of all im only in high school.. but i was thinkin about it and btones really are. they take more breath than any high brass. yes/no. most of…
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