Camera types?

I was looking to get a camcorder that'll produce a some quality footage. Of course I could just go to radio shack or best buy and ask them but I'd rather have the opinion of some bandheads first....Does anybody have any suggestions?

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  • to be honest, Most new HD cameras are pretty nice these days. just look for something with a CMOS chip. It'll say CMOS on the camera info it helps with pixelation clarity to when you upload the footage it'll be just as crisp as the recording.

    Now days the smart thing to do is get a cam that has a flash drive or hard drive (or both) they're heavier than the normal digital cam. but its a digital standard IMO especially regarding fast uploading and such things..

    You can get something with Tape in it but iti'll probably take longer to convert that footage.

    Otherwise it all depends on how much you want to spend.

    I spent over $700 for my cam. I have a Canon Vixia H20 with a 32GB hard Drive . There are better models out now though..
  • Now a days most $300 cams will do the job. But FYI, Best Buy employees are IDIOTS, trust me.
  • they all do the same thing generally but you get what you pay for.. softweare.wise/ease of use and all then ness all u really want to do is press Record and get some footage. in HD! lol

    Chris - Pinnacle of Hummanity... said:
    Now a days most $300 cams will do the job. But FYI, Best Buy employees are IDIOTS, trust me.
    Camera types?
    I was looking to get a camcorder that'll produce a some quality footage. Of course I could just go to radio shack or best buy and ask them but I'd ra…
  • yea but most folks buy based on price (to say they have it) and will pay for features theyll never use. Canon for example will tack on $400 extra to a camcorder and the only differences between the high price cams are a few subtitles in the menu and no manual controls, maybe a shiny case.

    And most people dont realize you need a decent PC for HD rendering.
  • well me i have a sony HD avchd handycam
    the camera was about 500
    I only did one clip in it takes too long

    but it has pretty clear quality

    examples of games I recorded


    UAPB/JSU game

    TSU/JSU HD [click 720 on the youtube video settings]
  • You all should start a Video thread about the art of recordin , eqpt and whatnot!
  • Thanks for the tips!....I know you get what you pay for, but I could definitely do without the extra bells and whistles. I just want something that's gonna produce some true audio (or as close to it as possible).

    ....and I second the idea about the art of recording thread!
  • for me I just want a good view rather than having folks behind me talking
  • Book said:
    for me I just want a good view rather than having folks behind me talking

    yea mayne, it can get quite hard when a horde of people are talking behind u....then if ur mic is sensitive, it'll pick up ALL that....
    Camera types?
    I was looking to get a camcorder that'll produce a some quality footage. Of course I could just go to radio shack or best buy and ask them but I'd ra…
  • BamaStateVike said:
    Thanks for the tips!....I know you get what you pay for, but I could definitely do without the extra bells and whistles. I just want something that's gonna produce some true audio (or as close to it as possible).

    ....and I second the idea about the art of recording thread!

    if you're gonna record.....record next to people who are taping as well....less likely of a chance random noise will be picked up
    Camera types?
    I was looking to get a camcorder that'll produce a some quality footage. Of course I could just go to radio shack or best buy and ask them but I'd ra…
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