
  • Interesting.
  • WHATTTTT...where Pryce go???...danggg..i wish i was graduated!!!
  • Interesting indeed! Carroll director had them uapb style. any good BD leads so far?
  • Carroll had the same style before Pryce.
  • no leads ... wont know until mid july. Carroll's style has been the same for a while, Pryce kept most things just polished the program up a lil bit. Drills-su,  drum section-gram with lil ole skool carroll,  sound-gram with a su swag,  aux-same style for a long time. . I heard Pryce left for an admin job (barbershop talk)
    • I might just........nevermind.
  • Dang that application was super long!!!!
  • How was Carroll looking going into this year?
    • Carroll has been consistent.
  • Carroll will have a director probably next week. I know some people that applied. BTW, The principal is a Gramblinite and they interviewed to fill the positions for the middle school and high school. They contacted me two weeks ago but i don't feel like moving to Monroe and the pay isn't attractive to me.
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