Posted by President G4 on November 29, 2008 at 3:25pm
Su if you can hear me win this game. We want and need that coin toss,Gram has to be the most borning team and band in the s.w.a.c... Plus I'm sure more people would rather see Jsu vs Pv or Jsu Vs. Su which is the best game in the s.w.a.c every year.......
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Well Congrats.....U gotta win...and Gram did just that....Well back 2 back swac titles ...Ahhhh take Gram off tv ish..... Why are they still showing them...This has 2 be the most borning band in the world...well alcorn will give them a run for there money....
So all the credit in the world to grams football team....But yall can leave The Band in LA.....
I Wouldnt give a dam if we was playin A band with a my elders would say.....U ON THE CLOCK BIATCHES......excuess my french, but defending champs tend 2 be kinda aggresive
So all the credit in the world to grams football team....But yall can leave The Band in LA.....