After this MLK Weekend which was so uch turmoil confusion and controversy, I have to say I am glad to see that our Houston bands did a great job representing at both parades and both battle of the bands.
All American Battle of the Bands:
Ross Shaw Sterling- Congrats on the 1st place. Its been a while since Sterling has been on the scene but you guys have a very respected director who knows what he's doing and it shows.
Willowridge- Facebook lit up as Ridge took the field. All I heard all weekend was how the Ridge has returned with a vengeance.
Davis and Sam Houston- held it down. especially combining and pushing some watts out there
Kashmere- first battle of the bands in over 8 yrs. I commend you guys for showing up.
Yates- great job as usual. very clean
M.L.K. Youth Parade
Madison- was battling Royal and not doing too bad....
Austin- great job as usual although we missed our spot (Royal took it)
MLK Battle of the Bands- 4pm
Madison- hit the field and was MARCHING........ crowd liked them too
North Forest- congrats on 2nd place in the Medium category
Austin- good fight. Even though Central won I think you guys held your own on the field..... That battle OMG .....................Drum majors was crazy..
MLK Parade Monday
Milby- thanks for not backing down when all of the out of town bands tried to gang up on you... I think a lot of people have a new respect for Marching Thunder....
LOL I think they should have done an announcers category.......I know Yates would have won.....LOL!!!! just joking
I agree! great job Houston Bands!
Know what man? my bad i checked out WEstbury's show too. Nice drill Hella nice and I like that theme from Boondocks. very original
Im glad to see houston holding it down as always i believe that we always had the elite bands since i was in high school so keep up the great job guys! big shoutout to all the band directors helping make bands in houston greater!
Westbury with that Boondocks feature was all that was needed.