
  • goes...i was there sitting in between both bands...and this post will be very unbiased...PV is nice this year...their sound is clean and powerful...they were way more aggressive in the stands.GSU has very much improved their sound since week 1....however, due to the rain, neither band played was a lot of drumsection, and tuba solos(99%) from PV...Grambling drumsection didnt answer and drum call-outs from PV in the 1st half....the bands only played after they scored. and what was played was cool ...

    Halftime:my view for both bands.....
    GSU: 1 question...whats with our drum majors doing all the hunching the ground and damn near doing a stripper routine for their interest...mediocre, ( i liked it when our DM's would high kick out and do the traditional grambling backbend, but hey,,its a new generation) aside from that...the show was ok...very glad yall change it up from the last 4 routine was creative though, Pleasure P song was nice...but no real crowd feedback until the "GSU i thought u knew" chant at the end..seems as if that has become our saving grace because we know that everyone will join in...Drill was nice,,overall: B-

    PV: 1 question, what was the point of the party boyz out was cool when Dorrough came out at the beginning..but the other dudes.....The Box, did a great job....very creative and the crowd was into it..the Obama masks was cool...Dance routine, was creative, but really didnt get house unti they pulled out the cans and started spraying...that was on point, and they did get house from their fans...GSU fans did start booing....i like it though..Overall:B+...

    both shows were ok...

    2nd half: Grambling band played more...and they Cranked that Best I ever had right after halftime...GSU drumsection woke up in the second halft and started to respond to The Box...

    Still cant believe yall beat us..but as a realist, a football fan, an one whose played sports, in high school, college, and professionaly...PV football team has that Swagga, i could tell by the body language of their players, that we were in trouble...Good job PV and the Storm
  • repost that in the other thread chris, im going to delete this thread in a moment, there's already another..
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