After doing this job for a couple of years, I've learned a few things. First, I love my job, but there are so many things I would take out if I had the power. Only other directors know how much stress and strain goes into leading a band program. There's not enough room to list them all, but in light of the recent string of deaths in our profession and seeing my own high school director pass my senior year 12 years ago. I'm just wondering what do you guys do to limit the strain that goes with the job?
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number two even though you seemingly perform miracles, you are not God. Resign yourself.
number three: learn to disconnect your passion from the stupid (read non-musical) stuff that happens.
number four: find a physically demanding hobby and do it 3 to 4 days a week.
number five: get in touch with me so you can safely vent!!!
Maan I swear I was talking to another director about this the other day. Too many of us are dying mostly stress related.
When I have time, I go to the gym and lift weights and exercise, then sit in the jacuzzi, put on my headphones and drift away. During Football season, I dont really have as much time though, so I just stay stressed. I got real sick while preparing for the Austin-Milby game, I had to take like 2 days off midweek because my blood pressure jumped up all of a sudden (I never had high blood pressure before). WE ALL have to be more careful though. Its not worth dying for
Video Games, writing and listening to music, basketball games, exercise, and being lazy at home watching TV and movies while eating a nice piece of cake and an Iced tea help me relax from the stressful day at work.
I learned my lesson last year about bringing paperwork home to complete, I made sure to get organized each weekend and map out certain tasks that I can complete during my planning period and anytime freetime at the school so everything can be completed without me giving up my freetime at home to complete it. I don't want a head full of gray hairs at 24!!!!
Besides all of the personal stuff mentioned above, I've noticed that most corp style bands have way bigger staffs/support teams. Alot of corp BD's don't have to worry about single issue with the band and rarely have to do every little thing by themselves. They have 1 person to work with every section of the band, they have other people creating the field show routine for the band, I've noticed alot of Showstyle BD's having to damn near everything themselves. Just a thought.
Also I would love to see giving BD's giving micro managing more, IMO rank should be as follows. Band Director>Assisstant Band Directors>other staff>Band Captain>Drum Majors>Section Leader>Co-Section Leaders>all other instrumentation. Give these kids more responsibility and ability to effectively lead.