
  • -whistles-
  • Now you know...
  • POWER!
  • With the ways of thinkin of many people on this site..."If it aint loud, it aint shit. Lets blow the hell out of these unison notes so we can be the loudest band ever"
  • Speaking of color...what about keys? People always playing in Bflat,Bflat minor,F,Fminor,Aflat,and maybe C!
  • Yeah...I believe most arrangements nowadays have some sort of focus on power. However, I don't think a second part is needed in the F-Horn section. The mellophones are usually one of the smaller sections (due to the huge amount of volume that can be produced by their horn's structure) so one part should fit them. An arrangement can have more "color" just by providing the F-Horns a unique part instead of block chords. Same goes for the baritones/euphos.
  • As for the keys, it's all a matter of don't want people to fumble with their parts because there's so many flats/sharps in the key signature! Unless you just want a complex arrangement.
  • yea...Mr Sexton does it all the time
  • i try...but the band is only Yay-big so you can only split parts up so much.
  • "Be forreal.....Dont nobody listen for that....."

    ^^^The prevailing mentality smh

    I definitely believe you can have 2 parts in horn and baritone sections.....maybe not for an entire tune and maybe not in every single song, but there is enough music in most of the songs bands play for there to be a significant amount of 1&2 parts in those sections.

    Some keys are better than others, but the idea that you only supposed to be in F Bflat and Aflat is.....well....."amateurish", to say the least.
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