Done Got Boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mayne tha old sport use to be so full of interesting post that you couldnt read them all. For my peps thats been down since them throwback days when New Orleans,Texas, n Washington Marion ran this b****, we gotta get band back hot. I think peps scared to get in the band or just cant afford it cause seem like ever band small as fux these days. Yall FIGADEALME mayne!!!

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  • it is true no one seems to be interested any more especially in louisiana its gettin ridiculous
  • Create some topics, start a convo....

    It usually gets like this between "All-Star" season and the first football games. It'll probably pick back up during band camps...
  • everybod busy workin i used to be like wtf too but then i realized what i had to work
  • Since you're from the old boards, you should know that its always like this during the summer. Just wait until band camps are over with and games get to rollin. The board should pick back up then
  • Well of course there is not alot of activity during the summer, people are preparing for all sorts of camps & some are on vaction but just wait till the end of July, im positive that more people will be online, expescially coming up for football season.

    Felicia said:
    Since you're from the old boards, you should know that its always like this during the summer. Just wait until band camps are over with and games get to rollin. The board should pick back up then

    Only the band heads with nothing to do post year round
    Done Got Boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Mayne tha old sport use to be so full of interesting post that you couldnt read them all. For my peps thats been down since them throwback days when…
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