Don't Be Surprised if you Find Yourselves Banned

First thing's first, Do not tell me how to run this website. If I ask you not to do something on this website. you will abide by my ruling, if not there's a strong possibility that you will get Banned. All I ask is that you all please refrain from using obscene language and to respect the opinions of your peers because half the time you don't know who you are speaking to. There are directors and parents who are members of this website and they are not to be disrespect. This Goes beyond Band Discussion. We all have our rivalries. but when it comes to the point where your responses create conflict and disruption in the topics at hand, your comments will be deleted. If I Walked in to your school, sat in your band room eating, Drinking, talking loudly & using Vulgar Language .. What Happens? .. I get put out of the Band room Right? Whether The director is in there or not. I must respect the rules of the band room or somebody will speak and say "You can't do that" .. Right? Well In other words... What The Administrator or Moderator says, Goes... This Site Is Run by Marchingsport,com. Your Constitutional Rights do not apply. Therefore You have no choice but to Respect My Authority. - Book Site Adminisrtrator

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  • Can't follow directions...get mad when you get corrected...hmm...

    That might explain what's happening in our bands...
  • ClevePVU said:
    Can't follow directions...get mad when you get corrected...hmm...

    That might explain what's happening in our bands...

    You might have hit the nail on the head there. Some of the stuff being said here IS ridiculously out of hand..
    Don't Be Surprised if you Find Yourselves Banned
    First thing's first, Do not tell me how to run this website. If I ask you not to do something on this website. you will abide by my ruling, if not t…
  • I really agree with all the above statements, this is a social network, not a network, or trash network, I see to much arguing, disrespecting other schools, inappropriate pictures, and etc. If I find Out any of the students I am associated with got BANNED, they will, and I do mean THEY Will be dealt with. And I'm sure Their parents won't have a problem. THANK YOU MR. SITE ADMINISTRATOR FOR THIS POST, I HOPE WE SEE A CHANGE IMMEDIATELY.

    DJ OREO DA BAND DJ HAS SPOKEN................................... THIS CLASS JUST OPENED!!!!
  • The Communist Party lives!

    But I blame the parents...
  • I'm in total ageeance! Like you said, people on here arguing with people, and most of the time, they don't even know each other. Students argueing with adults, that's where you blame the parents! But all this bumping heads with other bands ridiculous! If I find Out any of my students got BANNED, they will, and I do mean THEY Will be dealt, OLE SCHOOL STYLE!
  • DJ OreO da band DJ said:
    ............... inappropriate pictures, ....................

    Just as long as we agree that NONE of STINGETTES picture are inappropriate!!!!!
    Don't Be Surprised if you Find Yourselves Banned
    First thing's first, Do not tell me how to run this website. If I ask you not to do something on this website. you will abide by my ruling, if not t…
  • of course NO INAPPROPRIATE PICS On THE STINGETTES ( which are one of my favorite dancing groups )

    DJ OreO da band DJ said:
    ............... inappropriate pictures, ....................

    Just as long as we agree that NONE of STINGETTES picture are inappropriate!!!!!
  • I guess I'm the first youngster to read and or reply to this. I'm have no tolerece for my age group and maybe the 18-21 crowd disrespecting adults. Where I come from down here in west Alabama adults don't play that. My mom and dad would kill me if they found out that I was on this site acting a fool and cussin like there's no tomorrow. I'm down for a little competition and whatever else but not to the point where people want to go to the extreme. Like my mom always says When your kids start acting up its time to bring out the belt but in this case its time to hit the delete button. I've learnd from when I was nine years old that those spankins hurt, and I'm 16 now, its been a long time since I've got one. I feel if you don't follow the rules or break them then YOU should be PUNISHED!!!!!!!
  • Totally You should've added stay off the college forum as well. If you have no college hours, your opinion doesn't count...
  • its knida lame starting conflics about band on the internet anyway
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